Chapter 14

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"Do you need any help with that?" Sofi asked as you brought a clean tray of cups to the bar.

Five months passed since your parents' store burnt down. They decided that they weren't going to rebuild, and were currently enjoying retired life.

The guys left a couple of months ago for business, and you decided to be more hands-on at Cypher. Both of your parents knew, so there wasn't a need to hide anymore and your sisters went on vacation somewhere because 'life was too stressful'.

"Nope, I got it." you said as you set the tray on the counter.

"Look at you. If you can finish putting those cups away and exit the building without a problem, then you'll have made it a whole week without an accident."

"Haha, very funny, Sofi." you said as you started putting the cups away.

"Alright, what's wrong?" Rain asked as she sat down at the bar. "For the past few days, you haven't been yourself."

"Not sure." you said with a pout. "I just have a feeling something is about to happen."

"You know it's never good when you get those feelings," Sofi said as you finished up with the cups.

"I know. The last time I had this feeling was when we were at the hotel."

"You mean when your parents' business caught fire?" Sofi asked as the two of you made sure everything was put away for the night.

"Um, yeah." you answered, not wanting to tell them the other reason.

"So now we just wait for something good or bad to happen?"

"I guess so." you shrugged.

You three had spent the next hour making sure everything was done on the closing list. Luckily your employees were pretty good at doing their part, so it made things a lot easier.

"You sure you don't want us to follow you home, or one of us can drive?" Rain asked as you headed towards the back exit. "I know how much you hate driving when it's storming out."

"I should be fine. If I need you guys, I can call." you said as you put the hood of your jacket up.

"Just take it slow," Sofi said before the three of you ran to your cars.

You waved goodbye to them before you drove away. It was a little after four in the morning, so it was still dark out except when the lightning lit up the sky. With your wipers working as hard as they could, you slowly made your way home.

"You've got to be kidding me!" you yelled as you rested your head against the steering wheel. Your car had come to a rolling stop at the end of your driveway.

"Come on." you said as you turned the key and tried to get it to start.

You looked out your windshield and could see the lights from your house in the distance. You were going to have to walk or run in the pouring down rain.

"Just my fucking luck." you said as you started to grab your stuff.

You groaned as you stepped out of your car and into the pouring rain. After you locked your vehicle, you headed toward your house. Your legs were tired from working all night, so you decided to walk instead of run. No matter what you did, you were going to end up soaked.

"Please be a cute puppy." you said as you heard a growl coming from the trees. "Of all the nights for a wild animal to show up, it had to be tonight."

You quickened your pace. Whatever it was, you didn't want to see it. When you moved here, you hadn't heard one wolf, but over the past few months, they seem to have fallen as in love with your property as you had. Every night you could hear at least one.

Your body froze when you heard the growl grow louder. Slowly you turned around to see a wolf standing about five feet away from you. It was staring you down with its teeth showing. You turned back around and started to walk faster. You could see your porch, and luckily you had grabbed the garage door opener.

"Run!" you screamed at yourself when you heard the wolf growl again. You didn't know if you could outrun the thing, but you were going to try.

You'd made it a few yards and were just about to hit the button to open your garage door when you felt a sharp pain on the back of your leg. It had sunk its teeth into your calf.

"Son of a bitch!" you yelled as you fell to the ground and hit your head. You tried kicking at the beast with your other leg, but the motion only made the wolf bite down harder.

"Let go of me, you asshole!"

In the blink of an eye, the wolf was knocked off of you by something else. You tried to get your eyes to focus as you watched two dark shadows fight each other not too far from you. You tried to stand up, but the pain radiating from your leg made you fall back down. Your leg hurt, your head hurt, and the world was spinning.

"Fuck! I'm going to die two feet from my house." You rolled onto your back from exhaustion and let the rain hit your face.

"Shit!" You heard a voice beside you. "Y/N, stay awake, ok." You felt your head lift off of the ground.

"Sofi?" you asked as you looked up to your best friend, who held your head in her lap.

"Rain! We need to get her in the house!" You heard her yell as your eyes grew heavy.

"Sofi." you whispered.

"I'm here Y/N, stay awake ok," Sofi said as she looked down at you.

"Sofi, why are your eyes red?" You didn't hear her reply before the darkness took over.

"You did the best you could." You heard your dad say.

"We could have done better. We were supposed to protect her." Sofi said.

"You two, don't be so hard on yourselves. You didn't know that they would get this brave."

"Now what?" Rain asked.

"Well, she's not dead, so that's a good thing. We've known this day's been coming since he recognized her as his mate." You tried to say something or open your eyes, but your body was still too weak. No one noticed your moment of clarity, and their conversation continued, "But thanks to whoever that asshole was, the choice was made for her."

"Have you tried to contact him or any of the others?" Their voices started to fade as you slowly lost your battle with sleep again.

"I have, but no luck. Hopefully, he'll......"

Secrets Underneath The Moon/ BTS Jin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now