Chapter 27

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You woke up well rested the next morning and, after a delicious breakfast, you headed out to meet with Bang in town. Jimin had left his car for Sofi to use while he and the other guys had left hours earlier for training. After she and Rain picked you up, the three of you headed to your parents' house. They were excited to show off their new place. The guys and Bang made sure that they had everything they would need, including food. Something on their mantle caught you by surprise.

"Mom, Dad. You've met Bang before?" you asked as you looked at a picture of him and your parents.

"Oh yes, Y/N," your mother said as she stood beside you. "We met him years ago at a celebration for one of the packs we supplied clothes for."

"Did you guys know about this?" you asked, looking at Sofi and Rain.

"No." they both said at the same time.

"It was while you girls were in college." your dad said as he ushered you all out the door. "The alpha of the pack thought it would be a good idea if we met with Mr. Bang since you are Jin's mate. We spent the weekend getting to know about Jin and the BigHit pack. The guys started working with us shortly after." The rest of the car ride was spent with your parents answering as many questions that would come to mind.


The first stop on the town tour was a trip to the pack doctor. She heard about your dislocated shoulder and wanted to make sure it was alright. As soon as she stepped through the door of the exam room, you felt it. It was the same feeling you had with Sofi, Rain, and the guys.

"Hello," she said with a bright smile. "My name is Ava, and I am the head doctor here in the pack."

"Nice to meet you." you said, shaking her hand. "I'm Y/N."

She began her exam by checking out what was left of your wounds from the fight. It was shocking for you to see that the deep scratches and bites had disappeared each time you looked at them. You knew as a wolf that you would heal faster, but you didn't think it would only be a couple of days. After she checked your shoulder and took a few X-rays, the two of you went to her office.

"You are healing at a good pace, Y/N," she said, going over her notes. "Your shoulder is healed, so you won't need the sling anymore. I'm assuming Jin helped heal you?"

"I umm," you didn't know what to say to that.

"No need to be shy Y/N. Having your mate help heal you is a good thing. It strengthens the bond no matter if it's saliva or touch." She smiled at you before looking back at her paper. "You and Violet seem like you are in good shape. But I would wait a couple more days before you shift again."

"How did you know we called my wolf Violet?" you asked, looking at her with wide eyes. You'd never once mentioned that during the exam, and the only people that knew were your family and friends.

"A little wolf told me." she said with a wink, as she stood up to put away her paperwork. "Now–"

"Oh my god!" you yelled out, causing her to stop talking, "How did I not see that when I walked in?" You stood up and walked over to a framed photo that was sitting on the window sill. "You're Namjoons mate!"

"Yes, I am." She came over and looked at the picture with you.

"That explains so much. The feeling of family, knowing my wolf's name." You chuckled as you stepped away from the window. "That man is not a little wolf. None of them are."

"Now," Ava said after she finally stopped laughing at your outburst. "Back to what I was saying. I want you, Rain, and Sofi to see the receptionist before you leave. You three need to make an appointment for next week so that you can have your physicals to begin training." Your mouth went dry.

"I've never trained with other wolves other than the guys before."

"You'll do great Y/N. You're pretty strong, and if the guys were the ones to begin your training, then you will be able to kick a lot of ass with just one hand." She placed a hand on your shoulder. "They won't just put you in the ring with anybody. There will be different training sessions first."

The group of you spent the rest of the day touring the town. You guys had spent a little longer in the shopping area than you had planned. You and Jin had spent a couple of hours last night discussing whether or not you should take his credit card. He wanted you to buy some more clothes and necessities for you and your parents while you were out. You told him that you guys would be okay with what had already been given to you. Between him insisting because it would take a few months to safely transfer your money and the call he made to your parents for back up, you gave in, you promised not to spend more than necessary.

"Long day?" Jin laughed. After you carried all your bags in, you flopped down on the couch with one arm over your eyes, "You could have yelled up the stairs. I would have come and helped you." You felt him sit on the couch beside you.

"I didn't want to bother you." The house smelled of his shampoo, so you knew he was freshly showered.

"How much stuff did you buy?" You could tell by his voice that he was looking at the twenty plus bags you had brought in.

"There was a sale, and someone told me to buy whatever I wanted." You reached into your coat pocket and handed him his card.

"Remind me never to say that again." He laughed. "Did your parents get everything they needed?"

"Yes, they said to tell you 'thank you' again."

"Did you buy me anything?" You could hear him moving around the bags.

"Yes, there's a jacket in one of the bags for you. The lady at the store said they just got it in, and she knew you'd love it."

"Oh!" he said excitedly. You felt him move around on the couch so that he could start digging through the bags. "What did the doctor say? I see you don't have your sling anymore."

"Doc Ava said that I'm healing well. No more sling." You stretched your legs out, kicking one of the bags.

"That's a pretty color of green," Jin said.

"What are you talking about?" You finally moved your arm away, confused as you looked at him.

"I like that shade of green." Your eyes looked to where he was pointing. The bag you had kicked was lying on its side, and your seafoam green bra had fallen out.

"Oh." That was all you said before you reclined back and covered your eyes again.

"Well, that was no fun." You could hear the pout in his voice. "Come on, let's go." he said as he got off the couch.

"I'm too tired to go anywhere." You felt the warmth of his hands as one slid under your legs and the other behind your back. "What are you doing?" you screeched out as he lifted you from the couch.

"Taking you to bed." he said as he headed towards the stairs.

"But why? I was comfortable on the couch." you whined.

"Because the bed is a lot more comfortable than the couch. Plus, you need to get out of these dirty clothes." he said as he sat you on the bed. "Now, do you have enough energy to change clothes, or do you need my help?"

"I got it. I got it." you said as you shooed him out the door.

"Good night, Y/N." He hollered over his shoulder as he shut the door.

"Good night, pain in my ass." you mumbled to yourself as you grabbed your PJs. You had completely forgotten about the whole wolf hearing thing until you heard him laughing as he went down the stairs. "Well, at least he's caught on to my humor." you said to yourself as you headed to the bathroom to change and get cleaned up.

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