Chapter 7

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"They're going to do what?" Rain asked as the three of you sat at Borahae diner and ate breakfast.

"They are closing down the store for a whole week, starting on Monday," you said as you finished your breakfast burrito.

"But, you said that they never close down the store."

"They have, but only for like a day or two. Never for a whole week."

"So why are they closing it down then?" Sofi asked as the waitress brought the checks.

"They want to send the ten of us on a little trip to 'bond'."

"Wait, so the ten of you are going to what? Be dropped off in the woods for some team-building exercises?" Rain asked as you guys made your way out of the diner.

"No." you laughed. "My sister would flip if that happened."

"So, what are they going to do then?"

"You know that resort that opened up a few months ago about an hour away from here?" You asked as you reached your car.

"Yes, the one by the beach."

"Yep, that's where they are sending us."

"But how is that a bonding trip?" Sofi asked. "That sounds more like a vacation."

"That's what I said. Mom said that they 'wanted us all to be comfortable', so they chose that."

"We'll talk about this later. You're going to be late," Rain said as she opened your car door.

"Oh, and one more thing." You said as you got ready to pull away. "I talked to Namjoon, and the guys know I'm Violet."

"How?" Sofi yelled

"Long story. I'll fill you in later." You waved to your friends as you drove off.

Once you arrived at work, you headed to your mom's office to drop off your things and pick up your to-do list for the day.

"Y/N, can you run these down and put them on your father's desk?" You took the stack of papers from her. "They should all be at lunch right now, and I wanted to get the trip info to the guys before I forget."

"Sure thing Mom," you said as you smiled at her and headed towards the stairs.

The downstairs was just as you remembered. Fabric everywhere and designs hanging on the walls. It had a few more tables than you remembered, but you realized that was because of the Bangtan Boys. You walked over to your dad's desk and placed the stack of papers on it.

"Didn't expect to see anyone down here." You turned to see Jin leaning against the door frame.

"Mom wanted me to bring some papers down for Dad." You said as you headed towards him to leave.

"I'll make sure he knows they are there." He moved over so that you could walk through the doorway.

"Oh, Jin, can I ask you something?" You stopped and turned around. "How could you tell it was me by my eyes? There's nothing unique about them."

"That's simple, Y/N," Jin said as he stepped closer. "First, the eyes tell everything. You can always tell how a person feels or what they are thinking by looking at their eyes. Lastly," he said as he stopped in front of you, "your eyes are unique. They are not like mine or anyone else's." The two of you stood there and stared at each other.

"Y/N, we are here. You can leave," you heard Brittany yell from upstairs.

"I um, better go. Sofi and Rain are waiting for me at my house. We've got some work to do on there." You said as you headed up the stairs.

"Are you sure that's safe?" Jin laughed as he followed you up the stairs.

"Hey, I'll have you know I've only hit my thumbs a few times with a hammer." You heard him laugh behind.

"See you around Y/N," Jin said as you walked into your mom's office, and he headed out the door.

"Good to see you aren't running and hiding from them anymore," Tiffany said as you picked up your things.

"I told you, Tiff, a lot has changed." you said as you walked out.

As soon as you pulled up to your house, your friends greeted you on the porch.

"Why are you guys out here?" You laughed as you got out of the car. "You have keys. You can go in."

"We know, we've already been inside. But once you said that you were close, we decided to greet you on the front porch." Sofi said as you stepped onto the porch.

"Plus, it's nice out here." you heard Rain say as they followed you into the house. "I can't believe your mom found you a log cabin."

"She said that one of her former clients used it as a summer house. Luckily they wanted to sell it, and I needed a place. There was no way I was going to live with my sisters again." you said as you put the bags of food on the counter.

"I can't wait to jump in the pool!" Rain said excitedly.

"Slow down, woman, first we need to eat, and then we need to start working." You handed them their food as you three headed downstairs.


"And you didn't make a move?" Sofi asked as you three finished cleaning the new floor. While you guys worked, you told them what Namjoon and Jin had said.

"I'm not going to make a 'move' on Jin."

"Why not? The man was flirting with you," Rain said as she put away the painting supplies.

"No, he wasn't. He was being nice."

"No, that was flirting Y/N," Sofi said as she helped you unpack your pole. "Question, how are we going to attach this to the ceiling?"

"I'm going to climb a ladder. Dad should be bringing it by in a bit."

"Your ass is not getting on a ladder!" both of your friends said at the same time.

"Why not?" you pouted, pushing your lip out.

"Your ass can barely walk on your own two feet. How are you going to keep balance on a ladder?" Rain asked.

"Fine, I'll have Dad do it then."

"You're going to have your dad put up your pole?" Rain crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at you.

"I don't want him to. Hell, I don't even want him to know that I have it. But who else am I going to have do it?"

"Guys, someone is coming up the driveway," Sofi said as she stood next to the sliding door.

"It's probably Dad."

"Does your Dad usually bring two vehicles?"

"No." You said as you watched the truck and car come to a stop a few yards away.

"Y/N, that's not your dad." Rain said beside you. "That's..."

"Fuck." You said as the occupants of the vehicles started to exit.

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