Chapter 2

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Around noon, you heard your father's crew coming up the steps. Once the group of men reached the doorway to the stairs, your heart stopped, and you did the only thing that you could think to do. You hid on the other side of the clothes that you were inspecting.

"What the hell are they doing here?" You said to yourself as you made sure that the guys couldn't see you.

You knew the group of men. They'd come to your school freshman year of high school as exchange students from South Korea. The seven of them were given the name The Bangtan Boys by some of your classmates. Everyone liked them, what wasn't there to like? They were kind to everyone, and to top it off, they were good looking.

"Why are you on the floor?" You turned to see your sisters standing next to you.

"I dropped the stylus." You said as you lifted the stylus in your hand and showed it to them.

"You sure you weren't hiding from the Bangtan Boys?" Your sister, Brittany, asked while you got up off the floor.

"No, why would I hide from them?" You looked at your twin sisters standing in front of you. They were the opposite of you. They loved fancy things. You, on the other hand, enjoyed the simpler things in life. They wore high heels, dresses, hair always done, they were the never seen without makeup kind of women. You just liked to wear whatever made you feel comfortable.

"Hey Britt, remember that time she fell up the flight of stairs at school because one of them looked at her?" Tiffany asked as they followed you over to the desk. "Or how about that time when.."

"What's your point, Tiff?" You said as you put the tablet down and looked at them.

"Oh, my point is that you've always been afraid of guys. It's almost like... I don't know. You forget how to be human when one looks at you." She said, folding her arms.

"That was high school, Tiff, and a lot has changed since then."

"Really?" Britt said as she raised an eyebrow. "As if you got over your shy, clumsy, 'can't handle anyone's attention' problem while you were at college?"

"As I said, I've changed a lot since then." You turned to the desk to make sure all of your work had been uploaded correctly.

"Ah, there are my beautiful daughters!" You heard your father say behind you as he came up the steps.

"Daddy!" The twins squealed as they ran over to give him a big hug.

"Haven't missed that." You said quietly to yourself while rolling your eyes.

"Y/N, why didn't you come to say hi when you got here?" Your father said as he made his way towards you and away from the twins.

"I figured you and your crew were busy, and I didn't want to bother you. hi Dad," you said with a smile as you hugged him.

"Nonsense, you know that you wouldn't have bothered us. I always have time for my girls." Your father placed a kiss on your forehead. "Now, I was supposed to tell you that since your sisters are here, you may go home. Your mother and I figured that you still have a lot of unpacking to do. And since you've done a good chunk of today's work, you might like the rest of the afternoon off."

"Don't have to tell me twice." You said as you kissed your father on the cheek and told him goodbye. Before you walked out the door, you stopped by your Mom's office to grab your things and tell her goodbye.

After you grabbed some food, you went home and changed your clothes before going about the task of unpacking. Before you knew it, the time had slipped by, and it was starting to get dark.

"Yes, Sofi?" You said as you answered your phone.

"So, Rain and I were talking. And we wanted to know if you wanted to come down to the Cypher?"

"Why? Is something wrong?" You asked, looking around at the few boxes that were left.

"No. We are just having our weekly meeting, and everyone is here. We got to talking about you. They all want to see you in person." Sofi said, "It will still be a few hours before any customers get here."

"Ok, I'll be there in about 30 minutes."

"Well, that was too easy." Sofi laughed.

"I'm tired of unpacking for the night, and you're right. It would be nice to meet everyone in person." You said as you got up off the couch and grabbed your purse.

"Awesome, I will let everyone know. See you in a bit Y/N." you hung up the phone and headed out the door.

Secrets Underneath The Moon/ BTS Jin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now