Chapter 25

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"They're family," Jin said as you stared out the window at the group of men who were waiting. "They've come to make sure we don't have any trouble on our way home."

"But they only brought two cars." You pouted as Jin helped you with your coat. "We aren't all going to fit in them."

"One is for us girls Y/N, and the other one is for your parents," Sofi said from behind you. "We will have Sejin and Steve in the car with us." She pointed at two of the men as you exited the plane. "And the rest of the men will run to make sure nobody is around."

"You're not coming with us?" You looked at Yoongi as he helped you off the last step.

"It's safer this way, Violet." Hobi smiled at you. "Trust us, ok?" You nodded with a smile before he headed over to the group of men.

"Excuse me?" You turned to see a group of five guys standing next to you. "Are you Jin hyung's mate?"

"Yes, I am." you answered the one with bright yellow hair.

"See, I told you guys." he said as he turned to the other four.

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" Rain asked as she took a protective stance in front of you.

"You must be Jungkook hyung's mate? That means that you're Jimin hyungs?" You chuckled a little at the excitement that the boys had upon meeting you three.

"Down, Rain," you said as you moved her to the side. "My name is Y/N." You gave each boy a small bow as you introduced yourself. "My two very protective friends are Rain and Sofi." One by one, they all introduced themselves. You learned that they were from the same pack. Just like the Bangtans, they'd been taken in by the alpha. They were also unique in their own way.

"It's time to head out." You looked behind the boys and saw Jin standing there with a cocked eyebrow. The boys waved you goodbye before they headed off.

"Jin," before you could finish, he had an arm around your waist and was walking you to the vehicle.

"I know you're scared, Nae Sarang," he said softly beside you. "But Sejin and Steve are some of our best warriors. Plus you'll have Rain and Sofi with you. They'd kill anyone who so much as breathes wrong."

"But, what about you guys?" You turned to face him.

"We will be fine. Now please get in the car so that we can get you girls and your parents to safety." He kissed you on the forehead and helped you in the car.

"Care to explain when you two got so close?" Sofi asked when she got in the car.

"Care to explain when you were going to tell me Jimin was your mate?" You raised an eyebrow at her.

"Why are you getting mad at me?" she asked. "Rain never told you about Jungkook."

"Hey, leave me out of this." Rain said as she got the two of you buckled in. "By the way, it was last night while you were sleeping."

"What?" You looked at Rain wide-eyed.

"I was in the bathroom, the walls are thin, and you weren't as quiet as you thought you were."

"What did you hear?" Sofi asked, pushing your back against the seat so that she could look at Rain.

"They were talking, Jin was telling her about the things that mates can do and feel." Sofi huffed and sat back in her seat.

"You heard us talking?" you looked at Rain, a little puzzled.

"Yes, but don't worry. I left the restroom before the talking got too intense." Rain winked at you.

Secrets Underneath The Moon/ BTS Jin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now