Chapter 8

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"I mean, if they want to, I'm not going to stop them," Rain said as the three of you went to meet the new arrivals..

"I second that," Sofi said softly.

"Hello, ladies." Hobi smiled at the three of you. "We brought you a ladder."

"Hello, gentlemen, and thank you," Sofi said with a smile.

"Judging by the look on Y/N's face, I don't think she knew we were the ones bringing it." Your phone went off at that moment.

"Oh, look, a text from your dad." Rain chuckled beside you.

"Where would you like the ladder, Y/N?" asked Jungkook as he held onto it.

"Um, through those doors, please." you pointed to the sliding doors.

"By any chance, would one of you want to climb that ladder and attach a pole?" Rain asked as the group of you made their way inside.

"Sorry if we interrupted something," Taehyung said beside you.

"You guys didn't interrupt anything. Except those two trying to tell me that I had no business being on a ladder."

"Well, I've seen how clumsy you can be." Taehyung laughed. "Besides, how am I supposed to catch you when you fall if I'm not here?"

"Y/N, come show Yoongi where you want the pole!" Sofi yelled from the house.

You entered the room and showed him where you wanted it to be. While Yoongi and Taehyung put up the pole, the rest of you finished the remaining projects. You tried to tell them that they didn't need to help. But no one was taking no for an answer.

"Pizza's here!" Rain yelled down the stairs as you and the guys finished cleaning up.

"You ordered pizza?" you shouted back at her. "When did you do that?"

"While Sofi and I were resting by the pool."

"Hey Y/N, while everyone else is eating, do you want to give me a private pole dance?" you looked at Jimin wide-eyed.

"I um..." you blushed.

"Jimin, don't get her all flustered. She won't be able to eat," Sofi said as she reached the bottom of the stairs.

"I was joking. Unless you want to?" he looked at you with a smirk.

"Come on, Jimin, before she glitches." Rain said as she nudged him out to the back patio.

All of you sat outside enjoying the beautiful quiet night as you ate and chatted. You caught yourself blushing as the guys told your two friends about some of the ways you would avoid them in high school. The girls told them about how on your twenty-first birthday, they took you to your first club where you had somehow ended up in one of the cages dancing as Violet. The person in charge of the stage asked your name; you looked down at your purple shirt and told him, 'My name is Violet'.

"Who would have thought that shy Y/N would become a wild adult." Yoongi laughed as you walked everyone to their vehicles.

"I'm not wild!" you squeaked out as you stopped near the truck.

"Y/N, I've seen you dance. You are wild." he said, stopping in front of you. "You're cute when you blush." Your eyes widened as he touched your chin before smiling at you and getting into the truck.

The week flew by pretty fast. With the store closing for a week, your parents wanted to make sure everything got done. Your to-do list was longer than usual, but you didn't complain. You loved being busy. You hadn't seen the guys, which was strange, but you figured they were working too.

Your sisters, on the other hand, wouldn't leave you alone until you had agreed to do some shopping with them for 'appropriate clothes for the trip'. So after their shift on Friday, you met up with them.

"Good morning, Y/N." You opened your door to see a smiling Hobi.

"How are you so happy when we're about to be stuck in a vehicle with my sisters?" you asked as you started to grab your stuff.

"Earbuds." He said as he picked up one of your bags. "I don't have to listen to them if I can't hear them." You laughed as you locked your door.

"Well, then I guess it's a good thing I brought mine, too."

"Hey, Y/N." Yoongi smiled as you sat next to him in the van. "Are you ready for a fun week?"

"As ready as I can be." You gave him a small smile as Hobi sat down beside you, sandwiching you in-between them.

"Ugh, why do you have to live so far out here?" Tiffany said as the van started down your driveway. "Like it's so dirty and..." you didn't hear what else she said. You put your headphones in, shut your eyes, leaned your head back, and listened to your music.

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