Chapter 17

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And train you did. The three men helped you become stronger. You weren't weak to begin with, but you definitely weren't strong enough, mentally or physically, to be able to handle your first shift.

"You sure you're up for this?" Namjoon asked, picking up your purse.

"You guys have had me cooped up in my house for almost two months. I've learned to control my anger."

"I know, but we are going to dinner at your parents' house."

"Namjoon, I'll be fine. They said my sisters weren't there." You smiled at him as you got into the car with Yoongi and Hobi.

"We should come up with a safe word just in case," Namjoon said while Yoongi drove down the driveway.


"What?" Hobi laughed from the passenger seat.

"Our safe word is pie."

As the three of them agreed, you stared out the window. You hadn't seen anyone other than them. But today was your dad's birthday, and you missed your parents. So when your mom called to invite you and the guys over for dinner, you said yes.

"Great spot." You smiled at Yoongi in the rearview mirror as he parked the car in your favorite spot.

"I figured if we needed to make a run for it, it would be easier for you to find the car." He laughed as you all got out of the car.

"There's my favorite daughter." You looked at your mom, who was standing outside on the patio waiting for the four of you.

"Oh no, what's wrong?" you asked, giving her a hug.

"Well, there might be a slight change in plans." she said, looking at you and the guys. "Your sisters decided to surprise your dad."

"Are you going to be able to control Violet?" Yoongi asked, placing a hand on your shoulder, trying to calm the nerves he felt shoot through your body.

"Your father and I have agreed that, if you're not comfortable being around them, we will come over and have lunch tomorrow."

"It's fine, guys, really. I've got the three of you and my parents. I can avoid them." You gave them a small smile before heading inside the house to give your dad a big birthday hug.

It was pretty easy to do. Between the guys and your parents, they made sure that your sisters wouldn't have a chance to speak to you.

"So are those three your bodyguards now, or are you sleeping with them?" Brittany asked as you walked out of the bathroom.

"I'm sleeping with all of them." you answered walking past her. It was somewhat true. At some point in the past couple of months, you had fallen asleep next to them at least once.

"So have you figured out which one is your mate?" You stopped and turned to look at your sister.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Don't play dumb with me, Y/N. Tiff and I overheard Mom and Dad talking years ago about how they 'couldn't believe that one of their daughters was destined to be a wolf.' We knew by the way they acted it wasn't her or I."

"I don't know what you're talking about, Brittany." You crossed your arms.

"You do know that the reason why our parents' store burnt was that someone was trying to get you to leave, right?"

"Brittany, I don't have time for your crazy story." You took a deep breath and turned to walk away.

"They should have gotten your ass at the resort." You froze.

"What are you talking about?" you asked as you turned around to face her once again.

"The night before the shop burned down. The Antis were supposed to take you away."

"How do you know about the Antis?" You clenched your fists, trying to keep yourself calm. The Antis were one of the groups trying to destroy the guys. You didn't know much about them but you'd overheard Namjoon and Yoongi speaking about them.

"Who do you think told them where we were staying?" Brittany said with a smirk.

"What are you saying, Brittany?"

As the words spilled from her mouth, you had an overwhelming sense of betrayal, then anger. She was the reason why you were in danger.

"You need to get her out of here." You heard from down the hall before someone embraced you and removed you from conflict. 

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