Chapter 20

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Yoongi was right. The higher the moon got, the worse the pain had become. Your screams echoed around your property as you laid on the blanket that had been spread out for you. Your mom, Sofi, and Rain stayed by your side, soothing you with comforting words. The guys and your dad kept an eye out while running to and from the house with supplies to help ease some of your pain.

"Just another hour Y/N," Sofi said as she placed a cold rag on your forehead.

"Son of a bitch!" you screamed out as you felt your ankles pop out of place.

"Let Violet take over some. It will help out with a lot of the pain."

"I'm trying! She won't do anything yet. It's like she's waiting for the big finale or something." You grabbed a handful of the blanket and rolled on your stomach as a sharp pain shot up your spine.

"Sounds like she's as stubborn as you are." Rain sassed carefully cutting your t-shirt, leaving you in your sports bra and biker shorts.

"Holy shit balls!" You grabbed your head as the pressure grew inside of it.

"Thirty more minutes, Sweety. You're doing great."

"I might be doing great, Mom, but I look and feel like shit."

"Well, you always said you never really cared about how you looked." You couldn't help but laugh at what your mother had said.

"Y/N," you lifted your head enough to see Hobi and Yoongi kneeling beside you with some water. "Drink this."

"Kind of busy here, guys. Could you come back later?"

"This is the last time we are going to bug you about this. We promise." Hobi helped you sit up some as Yoongi brought the straw to your lips.

"Ugh!" you screamed as pain shot along your gums. "Can she please take over? I can't take any more pain!" you cried out as you felt your legs begin to break.

"You still have twenty minutes Y/N," you heard Namjoon say over the ringing in your ears.

"Please, Namjoon, I can't take it anymore." Your arms started to snap, and you fell back on the ground.

"Damnit!" You could barely make out his blue and gray eyes through your tears as he leaned over you. "Shift, Violet! Shift!" It was the last thing you heard before everything went black.

"Violet?" You heard your mother softly say. "Wake up."

Your eyes slowly opened to see your mom kneeling in front of you with a tear-stained face. You tried to say something, but the words never left your mouth. Judging by the smiles on your parents' and friends' faces, you knew that you weren't in human form. You and Violet had made it.

"There she is," Namjoon said with a small smile as your wolf slowly started to stand. "How are you feeling?"

When Violet looked into Namjoon's eyes, you felt a rush of respect, love, protection, comfort, and family. He wasn't your mate, but he was your leader. She bowed her head to show her respect to him.

"I see you really did make a choice." he said as he rubbed the top of her head.

"Violet, are you ready to go for a run?" she turned to look at everyone else. The same feeling she had with Namjoon shot through her body again. No one here was your mate, but they were still your pack and your family.

"I take that as a yes." Hobi smiled as Violet yipped and wagged her tail. "Go ahead, and we'll be right behind you."

With a nod of approval from Namjoon, Violet took off. She was running through the field and between the trees. You smiled along with your wolf as the wind ran through her fur.

She stopped to take a drink from the creek that was at the edge of your property. A branch snapped on the other side of the bank and caused her ears to perk up. Whoever it was, she wasn't scared, but she was still on guard.

"Violet?" As your wolf's head lifted, you saw Jimin walking closer to the creek bed. He wasn't alone though, beside him was a grey wolf with blue-purple eyes and a black wolf with dark green eyes.

Your wolf slowly made her way over to Jimin. He knelt and looked her in the eyes. Just like Namjoon had done, he was communicating with your wolf without saying anything. Your eyes widened when his eyes turned gold, and the same feelings from before washed over you.

A whine came from behind Jimin, and the two of you looked at the wolves that were waiting. Violet slowly moved towards the wolves as she checked out the wolves one by one.

"That one's Tae," Jimin said as he pointed at the black wolf with green eyes. "And that one's Jungkook." He pointed to the grey one with blue-purple eyes.

A distant howl came from the other side of the creek. The four of you turned to look into the darkness. Your wolf immediately knew it was Namjoon.

"Well, I guess that's our queue to get you back home," Violet whined at Jimin's words. "You two have been through a lot tonight. We need to get you back before you run out of steam." Jimin said as he patted Violet's head with a smile.

Jimin jumped in the air and turned into a blonde wolf. He turned to look at you and then yipped before taking off running. Taking it as a challenge, Violet took off after him.

You laughed at the feeling of determination that was coming from her. She would beat the three of them to the house even if it took all the energy you guys had left.

The three of you met up with the other five in the woods. The race you guys were having turned into an all against Violet one. She knew she couldn't win against all, but she was going to have fun trying. You were in awe, as she gracefully moved around the trees and rocks at a fast speed. You could barely walk without hurting yourself, and here she was moving at the speed of light as she playfully nipped and bumped the other eight wolves.

"Where's Jin?" you asked, out of breath after you had figured out how to shift back.

"He'll be along later," Tae said as he adjusted you on his back.

When the group of you had reached the clearing of your field, everyone shifted. Your wolf needed rest, and so did your body. You walked for a bit before your legs gave out, and Tae swooped in to make sure you didn't hurt yourself.

Tae let you down gently once you guys reached the kitchen where your parents were waiting with food. After everyone was finished eating, you said good-bye to your parents before heading upstairs with Rain and Sofi so that they could help you get cleaned up and ready for bed. According to them, you were going to sleep for a few days. Judging by how tired your body felt, you weren't surprised.

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