Chapter 15

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You were standing in a field next to a small pond with wildflowers all around you. You closed your eyes and smiled as you felt the warm sun on your skin and the wind blowing through your hair.

"Is this heaven?" you thought to yourself. Wherever you were, it was calming. It felt like you were home.

Your head turned at the sound of bushes rustling. You could see a white wolf slowly making its way towards you from the tree line. Something inside of you told you that you weren't in danger. So you knelt and stuck your hand out as the wolf got closer.

"You are beautiful." you said as the wolf allowed you to pet it.

"Are we in heaven, Mr. Wolf?" The wolf gave you a low growl. "Oops. I mean, are we in heaven, Miss Wolf?" You chuckled

The wolf shook her head. So you weren't in heaven. But where are you? You scratched behind her ears, and she looked at you.

"Your eyes." you said with a gasp. "They're violet."

You and the wolf stared into each other's eyes. It felt like you could understand her. Almost like you were connecting the longer you stared.

A distant howl caused you both to look towards the woods. Nine other wolves were standing at the treeline. A grey one stepped out a little further than the others. The white wolf nudged you. You turned to look at your violet-eyed friend with a smile.

"Are those your friends?" you asked, "I guess that means it's time for you to go." You scratched the wolf behind her ears again as you stood up.

You watched as she ran to her friends. She stopped at the grey wolf and rubbed herself against him before they both turned and looked at you.

"Mates." you said as you looked at the two wolves with a smile. A howl came from one of the grey wolves in the back. All ten wolves turned around, then ran off into the woods.


Your eyes slowly opened. You were in your room. It was dark with some light coming from your bathroom and the moon shining through your window.

"How the hell did I get in my room?" you asked as you slowly sat up. You pulled the covers away and realized not only was your leg bandaged, but you had on clean clothes too. Whoever rescued you made sure you were cleaned up.

You hissed as you slowly got out of bed. Your head and your leg hurt, but you made it to the bathroom and looked at yourself in the mirror while leaning against the counter for support. With your hand, you could feel a goose egg on your head from when you hit it on the ground.

"Oh, you're awake?" Your mom asked upon seeing you up and about.

"I am, kind of." you answered as she helped you walk back to bed. "How long was I out?"

"Just one day." she said, covering you up. "I'm going to go make you something to eat and grab you some medicine."

"Mom, you don't have to."

"You need to rest, and it's my turn to take care of you. I had to force the girls to leave a few hours ago."

"Rain and Sofi were here?" you asked, adjusting yourself in bed.

"You don't remember they're the ones that found you?"

"No. The last thing I remember was something knocking the wolf off of me and then looking up at the sky." you replied with a frown.

"Well, they did, and they refused to leave your side. We'll talk more about it while you eat." she said leaving your room and heading downstairs.

After you ate and chatted with your mom, you watched her change your bandage. The wound wasn't as bad as you thought it would be. You could tell where the wolf bit you. Besides the teeth marks, the bruises, and the bump on your head, you made it out of the attack pretty well.

Secrets Underneath The Moon/ BTS Jin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now