Chapter 4

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 The next few days flew by pretty fast, and before you knew it, the weekend had come. The job wasn't stressful; working with your sisters was the stressful part. You needed stress relief, and since you hadn't gotten the material to work on your basement dance area, you headed to Cypher.

The line outside was around the block. You knew the place was a popular spot on the weekends, but you had no idea that it was this popular.

"Good evening, Y/N. Are you here to hang out or to finally hit the floor?" asked the bouncer at the back entrance.

"I'm here to hit the floor tonight." You smiled at him and held up your bag.

"It's about time. Did you bring your masquerade mask?"

"Of course, I did. What kind of owner would I be if I broke one of the rules?" You both laughed as he opened the door and told you good luck.

Wearing a masquerade mask was a rule the employees themselves had put into place. They liked that they could remain a mystery while they were here.

"There she is." Your two masked best friends greeted you as you entered the backstage area. "Oh no, Sofi, she brought the bag." Rain laughed out.

"Guess that means Violet will be joining us tonight?" Sofi said as she opened up one of the changing rooms for you.

"Yes, she will be. Will you two be joining me?" You asked as you started changing.

"Sadly, we can't. Rain's on DJ duty, and I'm on bar duty." Sofi said, reaching into your bag and handing you the purple mask.

You looked at yourself in the mirror as you adjusted your clothes. If your sisters could see you now, they'd have a field day. You did your hair and put some makeup on. You had on a purple mini dress with matching purple heels. It's like you were a whole different person when you entered a club. You were not Y/N; you were Violet.

"There's our Violet." You turned around and looked at Rain in her blue mask.

"Alright, we need to head out." said Sofi in her red mask as they headed towards the door.

"I'll be out in about 5 minutes. Oh, and Sofi? Have a big glass of Sex On The Beach ready, please." Your friends laughed as they left the room.

You headed backstage, where the other four dancers were getting ready to go on stage. You stood there and chatted with them while you guys waited your turn.

"You have a tattoo?" one of the male dancers asked.

"Yes. It's just a little one. Rain, Sofi, and I got matching ones a few years ago."

"Where? Let me see." A female dancer asked as she tried to see it.

"It's on my left ankle." You turned your leg so that she could see.

"Aww, it's a little purple heart. Wait, aren't you afraid someone will know that it's you if they see it?" She asked.

"Nobody in my family knows that I have it, so I'll be fine. Plus, it's tiny."

"We have a special guest tonight, everyone!" You heard Rain say over the speakers. "For the first time, our dear friend Violet will be dancing on stage."

As soon as the music started back up again, the five of you headed on stage. You smiled as you looked at all the people dancing on the dance floor. Letting the music take over you, you danced with them. All your stress left your body as you moved around the stage with your fellow dancers.

Your group had spent an hour on stage dancing. After you had cooled down some, you headed over to the bar to have a seat and chat with Sofi.

"A Sex On The Beach for you, Miss Violet," Sofi said as you sat down.

"Thank you, bartender." You took the drink from her hand.

You sat there at the bar talking with Sofi and the waitress as they worked. As Sofi handed you your third drink, you heard a familiar laugh. You turned on your stool as you looked around the lounge area.

"Hey, Sofi? How long have they been here?" You point to the group of seven men sitting at a table on the other side of the lounge.

"Umm, they came in while you were on stage. Why?" Your body stiffened as you quickly turned back around.

"You remember me telling you and Rain about the exchange students that went to my school."

"Yes, the 'Bangtan Gods.' What about them?" She said as she finished filling one of the waitress's orders.

"That's them." You finished the rest of your drink and began to stand up.

"What?" Sofi's eyes widened. "Those are the seven Korean dudes? I need a better look."

"You need to do what? Sofi! Get back here! Where are you going."

"Where is she going?" You jumped at Rain's voice in your ear.

"I'm going to go talk to the seven Korean dudes that Y/N keeps talking about."

"Wait. What? I'm coming too." Rain said as she started to follow.

"You guys.."

"Oh, come on, Y/N. It's not like they are going to know it's you. It's not that bright in here, and you have a mask on." Rain grabbed hold of your hand and dragged you along with them.

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