Chapter 18

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"Calm down, Y/N. It's ok." Yoongi softly whispered in your ear as he held you in the backseat of the car and tried to calm you down.

After your dad told the guys to get you out, Yoongi scooped you up and carried you out to the car. You'd fought them to the vehicle. You were demanding that they let you back in to teach her a lesson about messing with your family.

Yoongi's grip on you didn't loosen until he saw that your eyes were starting to go back to normal again. He held you, trying to comfort you from the anger and the pain you felt from not only your sister's betrayal, but also trying to calm your wolf, who was ready to attack.

"It's all her fault." you said softly, as he carried you into the house. "You guys being attacked at the resort, my parents' business burning down, me being bitten."

"Y/N, look at me." He was kneeling beside your bed with your face in his hands. "Her actions have consequences, and she will pay for what she has done. Ok?" You nodded at him. "Now, try to get some rest. That was the closest you have ever come to shifting. Your body and mind need the rest."

"Thank you, Yoongi." you said as he finished taking off your shoes and made sure you were comfortable.

"You're my family Y/N." he said as he turned off your lights. "Family takes care of each other."

The smell of food being cooked awakened you. Yoongi was right; you did need the rest. According to the time on your phone, you'd slept well. You were still angry at your sister, but your body and mind had relaxed some.

After a trip to the bathroom to get cleaned and changed into some more comfortable clothes, you headed downstairs.

As soon as you heard their voices, tears came to your eyes. It'd been almost two months and you hadn't seen or spoken to them. You hurried down the stairs and ran to the kitchen. Standing at the counter were your two best friends.

"Well, good evening, sleepyhead." Rain said as you two hugged.

"I'm so sorry for getting mad at you guys and making you leave." you cried out as you grabbed Sofi and brought her into a group hug.

"It's ok Y/N. We understand why you got upset." Sofi said as she wiped your tears away. "Are you hungry?"

"Tacos, nachos, and pie!" Your eyes went wide at all of the food on the counter.

"The guys filled us in on what happened at your parents' house."

"Where are the guys anyway?" You asked as you sat at the table with your plate of food.

"They went for a run and then to your parents' house so they could deal with your sisters."

"Wait, sisters? They were both in on it?"

"Yes." Rain said with a low growl.

"I'm going to kill them."

"We can't." Rain rolled her eyes. "At least not yet. They have to go to the council first."

"Alright, you two, settle down." You both turned to look at Sofi with a pout. "So tell us Y/N, what's it been like living with the guys?"

"It's actually been a lot of fun. Hobi and Namjoon have been helping me build up my strength, Yoongi is teaching me how not to let my temper get the best of me, and all three of them have been teaching me about the history of wolves."

"You only have two days left until the blue moon. Are you nervous?" Rain asked as she sat a piece of the pie in front of you.

"I wouldn't say 'nervous'. I'm more scared about how much pain I'm going to be in." you said as you took a bite.

"I'm not going to lie; the first shift is a bitch for those of us who are born this way. You have to remember to relax and let the change happen." Rain placed her hand on yours. "It's going to be hard, but you have us, and we will help you in any way that we can."

"What are we helping her with?" You jumped at the sound of Yoongi's voice.

"Damnit, it's not fair that your guys' wolf senses are still better than mine."

"I guess we should have warned you, huh?" Rain laughed. "But then again, that wouldn't be as fun."

You stuck out your tongue and threw your wadded up napkin at her. As the guys joined the three of you at the table, you smiled at yourself. A lot has changed since you moved back home almost a year ago.

You'd gone from hiding behind a clothes rack, avoiding the Bangtan Boys to having three of them pretty much living with you. You still weren't sure who your mate was. Hobi had asked you one night as you two sat by a small fire if you had any idea. You made him blush when you told him no because you found them all attractive.

"Your feelings will grow stronger as your wolf gets stronger." he said, taking a drink of his beer.

"I had a dream about my mate." you said looking into the fire.

"What? When?"

"You remember how I was telling you guys about the dream I had of me meeting my wolf right after I'd gotten bitten?"

"Yes," Hobi answered as he looked at you wide-eyed.

"I may have left a few things out. Nine other wolves walked out of the woods. I realize now that they were the seven of you, Sofi and Rain."


"After she left me, she walked towards a grey wolf and rubbed up against him. Something inside of me knew that they were mates." You heard Hobi let out a small laugh beside you. "What's so funny?"

"Well, you've narrowed it down from seven to four. Two of which are here now and 2 of which aren't back yet. Did you happen to see anyone's eyes?"

"No, I only saw Violet's. You're not going to tell me who the other two are, are you?"

"Nope." He smiled and laughed at you.

Secrets Underneath The Moon/ BTS Jin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now