Chapter 19

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Discomfort. That best described how you felt as soon as you woke up that morning. You'd spent yesterday just taking it easy. Every time you tried to do something, someone would stop you and tell you to "save your energy for tomorrow". Somehow you'd convinced them to let you go on a fifteen minute walk around your property.

"How's the pain?" Sofi asked as Rain entered the bathroom.

"The jets are helping a little bit, but not much." You sat in the tub trying to soothe the pain in your body that got worse as the day went on.

"You should get out. It's getting dark, and it's going to be harder for you to move the closer it gets to midnight." Rain said, handing you a towel.

"But it's so much more relaxing in here." you whined as you stretched out more.

"Either get out of the tub yourself, or I'll have one of the guys come and get your naked ass out."

"You wouldn't." you said as you laid your head back and closed your eyes.


"I'm out! I'm out!" you yelled as you grabbed the towel from Rain and got out of the tub as quickly as you could.

"Good, now get dressed and come downstairs. Your parents are here. They brought you dinner and some clothes that won't rip."

Getting dressed took a little longer than you had thought it would. Every so often, you'd have to stop until the pain eased. "Just a few more hours." you thought to yourself as you put on your last piece of clothing before heading downstairs.

You entered the kitchen to find your two best friends and your parents eating and chatting. You didn't ask your parents to show up. You didn't want them to see you in pain. But no matter how much you tried to convince them not to, they still did. They wanted to be here for you. They knew they couldn't do much to help, but they wanted to comfort you and be by your side.

"Well, are you just going to stand there and look at us, or are you going to sit down and eat?" your dad asked.

"Where are the guys?" you asked as your mom sat a plate of food in front of you.

"They went ahead and got their run in now so they can fully focus on your shift later."

"What about you and Rain? Are you going to get your run in too?" You looked at Sofi as you shoved food into your mouth. At this point, you didn't know if you were hungry because of nerves or your body just needed the fuel.

"We got ours in while you were in the tub for hours."

Before you could reply to Sofi, you were doubled over in pain. Your father came over to help you lay on the ground as you cried out. This one was worse than any of the others; they'd been somewhat tolerable.

"Hoseok, we need to get her outside to calm her down, hopefully." You looked past your dad and saw Hobi standing in the door. "Where are the others?"

"They left after me," Hobi said, carefully lifting you. "There's still a few hours before the moon is full, so they weren't in a hurry to get back."

"Well, judging by the amount of pain she's in right now and the fact that her eyes are purple, I would say Violet is trying to change now." your dad said, following him down the stairs and out the back door. You screamed out in pain again and tightened your arms around him.

"Hang in there Y/N," You felt Hobi sit down. "They are almost here, and we'll get her calmed down." Hobi adjusted you in his arms so that he could watch for the two grey wolves.

"We've got her shifting area set up if you want to move her there." You heard Rain say as she touched your arm to try and soothe you some.

"Not yet. Let's see if Namjoon can get Violet to calm down first." Hobi said, brushing your hair out of your face.

"She's not listening to me." you cried out in pain.

"They're here!" You heard Sofi yell. It didn't take long before you heard them shift and run towards you.

"Y/N, look at me." You felt hands cup your face as you turned and looked into the grey and blue eyes of Namjoon.

"Namjoon, she's trying to change too fast." you cried.

"I know, sweety, just look into my eyes and I'll see if I can figure out why." You gasped as Namjoon looked into your eyes. He wasn't just looking at you; he was looking at your wolf. It was almost like they were having a conversation that was only between the two of them. How? You didn't know, but whatever he was saying to her was helping. Your body started to relax the longer he stared.

"How did you do that?" you asked in amazement as Namjoon let go of your face. The pain was back to being somewhat tolerable.

"Truthfully, I didn't think that would work. But since it did, I guess you'll find out later."

"More secrets?" You rolled your eyes and sat up more on Hobi's lap.

"Not so much a secret. It's just a choice your wolf has to make after the shift."

"Well, whatever it is, I think she made a choice; she listened to you and not me."

"She wasn't listening because she was anxious and scared."

"Here," Yoongi said as he handed you a water bottle. "You need to stay hydrated. You're going to be in a lot more pain as the night goes on."

"You also might want to get off of Hobi's lap and head over to your shifting area," Sofi said as she reached out her hand to help you up.

"Why," you pouted. "It's comfy."

"Don't worry. I'll come with you." Hobi laughed as he stood up with you in his arms and started walking.

Secrets Underneath The Moon/ BTS Jin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now