Chapter 24

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You laid there staring at Jin's hand that was resting on your stomach, holding on to yours. About ten minutes ago, you woke up and needed to pee, but you didn't want to move. Jin was curled up around your side with his face in the crook of your neck as he slept. You were comfortable, and so was he. You slowly lifted his hand and placed it on his hip before you slid off the bed. A smile came to your face as you watched him snuggle up to your pillow before you quietly shut the door.

You could feel the difference in everyone's mood on the plane. They'd all calmed down and were excited to go to Korea. While you were in the bathroom, you checked out your neck. Jin said that because it was him, the marks wouldn't last long. A shiver ran across your body as you touched the light pink skin. There was still so much you needed to learn, both as a wolf and a mate. You definitely needed to check out the pack library that Namjoon kept talking about. After fixing your shirt, you headed out of the bathroom.

"Did you have a good rest?" You jumped at the sound of Namjoon's voice. He was sitting by one of the windows and reading.

"Yes, I did." You smiled and sat down next to him. "I don't think I've slept that well in a long time."

"That's good to hear." Namjoon stared into your eyes again as he communicated with Violet. "She's gotten stronger." He raised an eyebrow.

"What's that look for?" You laughed nervously. Did he know what happened last night? You thought to yourself.

"Nothing, sorry. I forgot that you already accepted Jin since you had feelings for him already." You slapped his arm, causing him to laugh.

"Anyways," you said before grabbing a bottle of water from the cart behind you, "Tell me about the Sasaengs and everyone else that is trying to either kill me or kidnap me."

"We still have a few hours left of the flight, I guess I can fill you in more." He took off his glasses and closed his book. "The Sasaengs want you because they believe we belong to them. The Big Three packs used to be the most feared packs in Korea, until our Alpha got tired of the way they treated other wolves and started a pack of his own. Then you have the Antis; they believe that we shouldn't be the leading pack and that The Big Three should be. There aren't many of them, but they are still a pain in the ass." He let out a low growl.

"And they all want one thing." You turned your head to Jungkook, who was sitting across the aisle.

"Let me guess. Me?"

"Not just you Y/N." Jungkook scoffed. "All of our mates. A wolf can't reach full strength until they meet their mate and complete the bond. Jin is the last of us to do so."

"Wait, what?" Your eyes went wide upon realization. Rain was curled up to Jungkook with her head on his shoulder. In front of them was Jimin and Sofi snuggled up. "Oh my god! How did I not see this?" Both Namjoon and Jungkook laughed.

"We hid it for a reason; you know that Y/N." Jungkook smiled.

"Before you ask. Yes, you'll meet the rest of our mates when the time comes." Namjoon said.

A strange tingle ran up your spine, causing you to turn around. Jin was standing with his back against the bathroom door. You didn't know how long he'd been standing there, but by the slight smirk on his face, you knew he heard your little outburst.

"That connection right there," Namjoon said, grabbing your attention. "That is one of the things they are trying to stop." You felt Jin sit beside you. "The stronger it gets, the stronger both of you become, and the stronger our pack becomes."

"Being our mates does have a disadvantage." You felt Jin's hand brush the side of your leg. Violet whimpered when she saw the sadness in his eyes. "You all have a target on your backs just like we do." Without thinking, you reached across with your good arm and grabbed hold of his hand, placing them both on your thigh.

"That's why we're going back to Korea?" Namjoon answered your question with a nod.

"We can only do so much on American soil, and they know that. That's why they keep hiring people to attack us. But once we are back, it will be a lot harder for them. We will be able to fight with our full power." Namjoon said, placing a hand on your good shoulder before getting up and heading to the restroom.

"Did you sleep well, Nae Sarang?" Jin whispered in your ear.

"Yes, I did." You stared at the seat in front of you, trying not to blush. "How about you, Jin?"

"I had a little trouble at first." He took in a deep breath and adjusted his position. "Something suddenly came over me, making it a little difficult. But once I got it off my chest, it was quite nice." Catching on to what he was talking about, you let go of his hand and slapped it, earning a laugh from him. "Just remember," he said, moving your hair to the side to whisper in your ear again, "Anytime the trouble wants to happen again, I am willing to take it on. Although I prefer to do it when people can't hear us." A shiver ran across your body as you felt him touch the spot.

"You need to go sit somewhere else, like on the wing or something." you said as you shoved him away.

"I'm not going anywhere Y/N." he said as he kissed the side of your head and grabbed your hand. "I enjoy making you blush too much." He laughed as you sunk back in your chair and groaned.

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