Chapter 21

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You pouted as you rolled over in bed for the hundredth time. They said you'd sleep for at least two days. You woke up about 3 hours ago because you could feel your wolf pacing. "You're supposed to be sleeping!" you said out loud. Not only were you irritated with her, but you were now irritated with your stomach for being hungry. Your body still hurt from shifting, and you were tired. You let out a groan as you threw the covers off. If you weren't going to sleep, you might as well take a shower and get something to eat.

Your body relaxed a little from the shower. You were thankful for that as you slowly made your way downstairs. Careful not to wake the sleeping figures in the living room, you made your way to the kitchen. After grabbing some food, you headed downstairs, and sat in front of the bay windows overlooking your backyard. There was a good two inches of snow covering the field. You watched as it continued to fall while you ate. Just like the rain, it was calming to you.

"Jesus!" You jumped as you felt your wolf jump up. She knew that neither of you was back to full strength yet, but she wanted you to be able to use her abilities. "What are you?" You stopped talking. You could now see out across the dark field and hear everything around you.

"Focus." You heard her say. As you shut your eyes to listen to Violet, she was helping focus your hearing on something in the distance. Once you'd drowned out the sound of everyone sleeping in the house and the sound of the snow falling, you heard it. You could hear a wolf moving on the freshly fallen snow, and by the sound of its breathing, it was running. Violet soothed your nerves by letting you know whoever it was wasn't dangerous.

You opened your eyes as soon as Violet told you to. Across the field, you watched as a grey wolf stepped out of the tree line—you saw the tint of violet in your eyes as you opened the glass door to go outside. The human part of you was telling you not to go out in the snow because you were barefoot. But your wolf side couldn't help it. Whoever they were, your body was drawn to them.

As soon as the wolfs' pink colored eyes met yours, you froze. This was one of the reasons why Violet wasn't allowing you to sleep.

Your heart was pounding with excitement when the grey wolf cautiously padded toward you. Your hand shook slightly as you slowly held it out and waited for the beast's reaction. An indescribable feeling took over your body once you felt its soft fur as it nuzzled your hand. You smiled when you felt Violet's giddy anticipation as your fingers continued to comb through. She was trying to tell you something, something important. But she was cut off when you felt the wolf become tense and it quickly turned to the trees.

"Y/N, you need to get back inside." You jumped when you felt Namjoon's hand on your shoulder.

"What why?"

"It's not safe." Jungkook was now standing on the other side of you.

"But it's just..." Your words were cut off by the sound of howling coming from the woods.

The four of you watched as nine other wolves slowly made their way out. You felt Violet move forward. Whoever they were, they weren't good. And neither of you were ready for a fight. You slowly backed away and made your way closer to the house.

"Who are you, and what do you want?" Namjoon asked as you stepped behind Hobi and Yoongi.

"We've come for the white wolf." You grabbed Yoongi's hand as the voice echoed across the field.

"The white wolf is part of our pack and one of our mates. So leave!" Namjoon firmly stated.

"No can do." The voice spoke again. "We have orders to take her. Either you hand her over, or we'll take her by force."

Secrets Underneath The Moon/ BTS Jin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now