Chapter 26

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The hour-long car trip was quiet. You could feel the tension coming from the four other people in the car. Yes, you were safe with them, but not entirely; not until you were on pack land. You spent most of the drive staring down the car in front of you that had your parents in it. Occasionally you would look out the window and catch a glimpse of a wolf running in the trees. Yours and Jin's connection still wasn't strong, but you were able to feel him enough to know that he was focused.

You talked more with Rain and Sofi about their mates. They'd met them at Cypher on opening night. Because they were both born wolves, they knew instantly and completed their bond that night. They both showed you their marks, even though it just looked like a couple of small scars to you. You'd imagined it would be pretty big, but it was only four small holes from the fangs.

"Y/N," Sofi said, breaking you out of your thoughts. You saw the group of wolves come out of the tree line as the car slowed down. The wolves from the right went in front of your parents' car, and the wolves from the left gathered behind yours.

"Have we arrived?" you asked the only two people in the car that knew.

"Yes," Sejin said as Steve drove the car down the long dirt road. "Just a couple of more miles, and we'll be at the main house." You felt everyone in the car relax. The group of you had made it on to pack land safely.

The main house was huge and made of stone, with a tall wall matching on either side. Steve said that the wall went around the whole land to help with protection. The house and smaller houses next to it were used by those on watch as a place to rest. The two large doors in the middle opened, revealing a large tunnel. It wasn't a long tunnel, but you still found it cool as Sejin drove through.

"Holy shit!" Rain stretched once she was out of the car. Five minutes after you had exited the tunnel, the vehicle entered what could only be described as a city. Shops and houses as far as the eyes could see.

"Y/N, they have a whole city." your mom said as she and your dad made their way over to you and the girls.

"Hello, everyone." said a man who had just stepped out of what you assumed was like a city hall. "My name is Bang Sihyuk, but you can call me Bang. I am the alpha and founder of the BigHit pack." He shook each of your hands as you introduced yourselves.

After a while, he led the five of you inside to use the restrooms and have some snacks. He showed you all a map of the pack land, and, just as you expected, it was pretty much its own city. Your parents weren't going to be the only humans living here either. Many lived on pack land because either they or their child was a mate, and sometimes they were invited to live there for their safety. Everyone had gone through a strict background check before being allowed on pack land, no matter who they were.

"Alright, let's get you to your houses, shall we?" Bang said as he stood up.

After you had said your goodbyes, you followed Sejin to the car. Because you weren't living together, you all had your separate homes. With the adrenaline of the trip wearing off, you found yourself getting tired. So to keep yourself occupied, you started asking him questions about the different buildings you passed. He answered all of them and even told you about the people that worked or lived there.

"Welcome to your new home, Y/N," Sejin said as the car came to a stop. "I hope you'll like it here at BigHit."

"So am I living here alone?" you asked as the two of you walked up the pathway towards the house.

"No," he placed your bag on the ground by the door and rang the bell. "Give him a minute. Knowing him, he's probably in the kitchen."

"He?" You looked at Sejin with wide eyes.

"Thank you, Sejin." You turned your head to see Jin standing in the doorway.

"No problem. See you guys around." Sejin said before he turned to leave.

"Well, are you coming in to eat and get cleaned up, or are you staying on the porch all night?" You followed him into the house and up the stairs. "This is your room."

"I have my own room?" you asked as you followed him in.

"I know we've shared a bed twice now, but I'm not going to force you to share a room with me until you are ready." he said as he placed your bags on the bed.

"Thank you, Jin." You smiled at him.

"It's no problem, Y/N. I want you to be comfortable here."

"What's that?" You pointed to the large light and speaker on the wall.

"That's for emergencies. Every room in every house has one." he said as he stood by you.

"But why?" you asked, even more confused.

"The houses are soundproof, meaning we can't hear anything from the outside, and they can't hear anything from the inside." You looked at him, confused.

"Again, I ask why."

"One," he said, holding up a finger. "We are wolves Y/N. We have good hearing, and some were born to track, meaning they have excellent hearing. We may be at least a mile from the nearest house, but they'd still be able to hear what's going on twenty miles away." Your eyes widened when you realized what he was implying. If they could hear that well, that means that they could listen to everything that goes on inside someone's house, for instance they could hear you having sex.

"Oh." That was all you could say, earning a chuckle from him.

"Two," he held up a second finger. "Remember, we do have humans on the land. They wouldn't be able to know when danger is near." It made sense. How else would they know? "Now go shower and get changed so we can eat." He said as he walked toward your bedroom door. "Holler, if you need any help getting dressed or dried off." You couldn't help but let out a laugh at the last part.

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