Chapter 31

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  You felt him coming before you heard him. After you had left Sejin, you found yourself at your favorite spot. You spent a while swimming in the lake, not only to wash off the dirt and sweat but also to calm yourself. Now you laid in the grass. You had watched the sky turn from a bright blue to dark and star-filled. You didn't mean to stay this long, but you got lost in your thoughts. Thinking about how much your life has changed in the past two years.

"You shouldn't be out here alone, Y/N," Jin said as he stood over you. "Especially for this long."

"I know. I was alone in my thoughts and lost track of time." You watched him as he lowered himself and laid his head on your stomach.

"Are they good thoughts or bad thoughts?" he asked before kissing your palm and then holding it to his chest.

"Good mostly." You looked back at the stars as your fingers combed through his hair. "I was thinking about my parents' shop, Cypher, and just how much things have changed since I moved home."

"Do you miss it?" he asked as he rolled to his side to look at you.

"Truthfully? No, I don't miss it. The store is gone so there's nothing to miss. We all agreed that selling Cypher was a good idea for the safety of the staff and financially."

"And what about everything else?" You sat up on your elbows and looked at him.

"You mean the human part?" He nodded at you "Not at all. If the asshole hadn't bitten me, I still would have chosen to become a wolf."

"Oh really?" He sat up with a smile.

"Don't act all surprised." You laughed as you laid back down. "You knew I wouldn't be able to resist your looks."

"So you only wanted me for my looks, huh?" He brushed one hand across your bare stomach as he placed it on the other side of you.

"Well, you do have a beautiful heart and a great sense of humor too." You saw a flash of pink in his eyes as he came into view.

"What are you doing, sir?" you asked as you felt him settle between your legs.

"We are alone out in the middle of nowhere, and I've missed you." Chills ran across your body when you felt his breath on your neck.

"What if someone comes looking for us?" You licked your lips as he kissed your neck.

"I'll keep you covered." His hand left a trail of heat as it moved along your bare torso and lifted your hips.

"What if someone hears us?" you moaned out as he rubbed himself against you.

"I guess you'll just have to keep it down, Nae Sarang." he said softly against your lips.

Making love to Jin was always magical. You weren't able to do it as often as you two would like. But whenever you did, your senses were overwhelmed. The slightest movement or touch sent pleasure through your bodies. Pushing each other over the edge as many times as you could until your bodies gave out. You both owned each other's mind, body, and soul—a love and a bond that would last for all eternity.

"How about we go back to the house, get cleaned up, and I'll make us some food?" Jin asked as he helped you up from the ground after getting dressed.

"Ok, but we are showering separately. Because dinner won't get done if we don't." Jin laughed as he pulled you in close and kissed you.

The shift in the air was sudden, and the two of you felt it. Frozen, you looked at each other while you listened to the world around you. Wolves were coming from behind you and in front of you. Both groups were running towards each other, with you and Jin in the middle. Your heads snapped to the left at the sound of a twig snapping. Then you heard the gunshot. The first bullet struck Jin in his side, and the other struck you in the leg. You both fell to the ground crying out in pain.

"That's my good little human." You watched as a man and your sister Tiffany walked out of the trees.

"Who the hell are you?" you shouted at him.

"I'm the man who's here to kill your mate and take you away from this pack." The man smirked.

"Like hell, you are, Lee." growled Jin as he attempted to get up.

"Careful, Jin. You wouldn't want that silver bullet doing any more damage than it already has." Your heart sank. Silver was one of the few things that could kill a werewolf.

"I am not going anywhere with you." You stood up and said through your teeth.

"Oh, she's a feisty one." Lee looked at Jin and then back at you. "Tell me Violet," the sound of her name coming from his mouth made your wolf want to jump out in anger. "Were you this feisty when my brother tried to kill you?"

"What are you talking about?" you asked as you tried to keep your balance despite the pain coming from your leg.

"His brother is the one that bit you. You idiot!" Tiffany rolled her eyes.

"Well, I sent him to kill you, but unfortunately, he was unsuccessful." The sound of Jin's body falling to the ground beside you drew your attention away from them.

"Jin?" You winced as you knelt. "Wake up." Tears were now streaming down your face.

"They better pick up their speed before he dies." You brought your fist up and punched Lee in the nose. All your attention was on Jin, and you hadn't noticed he'd gotten so close. "You bitch!" he growled out as he grabbed your arm.

"Let go of me!" You tried to pull your arm out of Lee's grip.

"Will you shut up already!" The sting from his hand slapping your face made Violet come forward just enough so that she could use her claws to take a chunk out of the man's arm.

"I told you I'm not going anywhere with you." you spat at him as you moved away.

"Here's what's going to happen, princess." He slowly stalked towards you as his eyes glowed and his fangs popped out. "You are going to come with me quietly. Then you are going to sit by my side along with your sister as the rest of the Big Three packs and I take back what is ours."

"What about Brittany?" You saw pain flash in Tiffany's eyes as you looked at her. He had only mentioned one sister, but you had seen both of them leave pack land.

"That stupid bitch went and got herself bit, then died during her first shift." This time when he grabbed you, Violet was ready. She gripped his arm and yanked him to the ground. She was using as much of her strength as she could without shifting and hurting you more. Violet blocked your sight as she pinned him to the ground and ripped out his throat.

"You fucking bitch!" You heard Rain yell as soon as you heard the gun go off again and another bullet hit your arm.

You rolled off of Lee's dead body just in time to see the gun fly in the air before Rain and Sofi tore your sister in half. You couldn't help the chuckle that slipped out right before darkness took over.

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