Chapter 11

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You sat on the couch in the suite's living room and watched the rain hit the giant window. The football game was fun, a lot more fun than you're used to when playing a sport. You chuckled at yourself when you pictured you, Sofi, and Rain trying to take down Jungkook. Rain had jumped on his back while you and Sofi went for the legs. It was right before the storm hit, and the game ended in a tie.

The beach was shut down from the storm so the group of you made your way to the restaurant for dinner. The football game had taken the last bit of energy you had left, so after dinner, you said your goodbyes and headed to the suite to clean up and sleep.

The thunder had woken you up almost an hour ago. Not able to go back to sleep, you decided to get up. You made yourself some warm tea and sat on the couch to watch the rain. It was still dark out, barely 5 a.m. But you could see the drops hit the window from the lights from down below.

"Something feels off." you said to yourself as you finished your tea. You weren't sure what it was, but something felt strange. With a sigh, you stood up from the couch and put your cup in the sink. Food, your stomach demanded food, and since the restaurant opened up at 5 a.m., you decided to head down and get some breakfast.

"Don't wake the monsters." you whispered to yourself as you gathered your stuff and exited the suite.

You let out a sigh as you closed the door behind you. As you stood by the elevator and waited, the feeling came back to you.

"Tae?" you asked as soon as the doors opened.

"Umm, hey Y/N." he said while he nervously scratched the back of his head. "Can you take the next one?" He reached over, pressing the button to close the door faster, but you stopped him.

"Tae, what's wrong?" you asked, eyeing the man in front of you. "You're drenched, and is that blood?"

"I'm ok, Y/N, and the blood isn't mine."

"Judging by some of the abrasions on your face, arms, and hands, I'd say some of it is yours." You frowned at him.

"Please, Y/N. Don't worry about it, ok. I'm fine. Please take the next elevator." Taehyung gave you a half-smile and moved your hand out of the way so that the door could close.

You stood and looked at the closed elevator doors. Something was going on. You weren't sure what, but by the way Tae looked, it had something to do with the Bangtan Boys.

Without a second thought, you turned around and headed back to the suite. You had a first aid bag in your room that you always carried with you. Being a clumsy person your whole life, you decided to take a few first aid courses. It helped a lot when you would accidentally cut yourself or sprain something. You even helped out at the local doctor's office while you were in college.

With the bag in hand, you headed back out to the elevator. Thoughts went through your mind as you tried to figure out why Tae had blood on him. You knew it wasn't from him because he looked ok except for the few visible cuts.

"Finally." you said as the elevator reached your floor.

"Y/N!" Not only was Tae shocked to see you again when the doors opened, but so were Jungkook and Jin. "Can you.."

"Nope!" you said as you entered the elevator with your bag.

"Y/N, please." You turned to look at Jin, who was leaning on Jungkook for support.

"I don't want to know what happened. I want to help." you said to him with a frown before you looked back at the door.

"She could have a look at Yoongi first." You heard Jungkook say quietly in Korean behind you.

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