Chapter 3

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You smiled as you pulled up to Cypher. What was once a worn-down dingy strip club was now a new dance club. The three of you had utterly redesigned the outside and inside of the building. You were bringing a new life into it. Some of the old employees even stayed on while the rest left because you three had put down strict rules.

Once inside, you looked around at the newly vamped place. The nasty carpet had been ripped out and replaced with a dance floor, the walls had been cleaned and painted, the tables and booths were refurbished, then placed in the new bar area for people to hang out and eat in. You hopped up onto the stage that had been extended. It had three poles on it if any of the dancers wanted to use them, along with plenty of room for them to move around and dance.

I can't wait to get up here. You thought to yourself as you took a quick swing around one of the poles.

"How did I know we'd find you up there?" Rain shouted across the room. You looked up to see both of your friends smiling at you.

"Couldn't help it. You know how I love my dancing," you hopped down from the stage.

"Yes, we are well aware of the demon we let out when we took you to your first club," Sofi said as you hugged your friends.

You laughed as you entered the bar area of the club. As soon as you entered, you were greeted by fifty very excited employees, all of whom you had met before over video chat. You knew the faces and names of all the bartenders, cooks, dancers, waitresses, and bouncers. The three of you wanted everyone to feel like family, and they did. The reason you guys had weekly meetings wasn't just to go over the business but to make sure every person that worked for you was doing ok, not only at work but in their personal lives too.

After about an hour of hanging out and catching up, you realized that you needed to leave to get ready for tomorrow. You hugged everyone goodbye as two of the male dancers walked you to your car.

"Y/N, could you please do us a huge favor?" Your sisters had called right as you were pulling into your driveway.

"No." You didn't know what they wanted, but whatever it was, you weren't going to do it.

"What do you mean 'no'? We haven't even said what we wanted!" Brittany squealed in your ear as you unlocked your front door.

"Fine, then go ahead and ask."

"Well, we wanted to know if you would cover us for a few hours tomorrow. Our favorite store downtown is having a sale, and we want to go."

"Umm, let me think about it. Nope, the answer is still no."

"I told you she wouldn't do it," you heard Tiffany say in the background. "It's not like she cares what she looks like."

"Well, it was worth a shot. You didn't have any better ideas!" You hung up the phone once sisters started arguing and went to bed.


Before you headed out the door, you decided to make your lunch for the day, just in case your sisters went ahead and showed up late.

The morning was pretty slow because of the rain. So you spent it either talking with your Mom or doing inventory. Just like you had figured, it was afternoon, and your sisters still hadn't shown up. So you decided to head to the break room for lunch and do a little online shopping. You had a few things that you needed to get for the house.

"Oh, you're still here?" The sound of their heels made you look up from your phone.

"Well, Britt. I can't leave until one of you shows up, and since you're both late..." you returned to your phone to continue your search.

"Traffic was a little crazy because of the rain," Tiffany said as they sat across the table from you.

"Sure it was. How was shopping?"

"You should have gone with us Y/N," Brittany said as she took one of your carrots.

"Me shopping with you two?" You chuckled, "That'll never happen."

"What are you looking at on your phone?" You pulled your phone back as Tiffany tried to look at it.

"House stuff." You sat back in your seat so they couldn't see your phone.

"Figures you wouldn't be looking up anything interesting," Brittany said.

"Guess that depends on what you find interesting." You said as you continued shopping for things to put in your soon-to-be personal dance area.

"You could just hire someone to do the work for you," Tiffany said.

"Why? I can do it myself, and it will get done the way I want it." You said, a little irritated with the conversation.

"Well, it also wouldn't look...Oh, hey, guys!" Your head turned towards the door at your sister's change in tone. All seven of the Bangtan Boys were entering the break room. "Y/N, you remember them from school, right?"

"Yes, I do, Tiffany." You said before giving the guys a small wave and going back to your phone.

"What was I saying?" Tiffany said as she adjusted in her seat. "Oh yeah. If you hire someone, it won't look tacky."

"Ouch, Tiff, you think my style is tacky?" You said as you finished up and put your phone down. "You don't even know what I was looking for."

"Well yeah...I mean, no. Well, kind of." You folded your arms and looked at her while she stammered. "I mean, we've known you your whole life, and you've never really had the best taste."

"It's true Y/N. Look at us, we have taste, and everything about us is classy." Your eyes moved over to Brittany.

"You wouldn't know taste or class if it bit you in the ass." You choked on your drink when you heard someone say that in Korean from the guys' table.

"Jesus Y/N, after all these years, you still haven't figured out how to drink." After you had stopped choking, you looked at your sisters. You spit some of your drink on them, and they were trying to wipe it off.

"Sorry, I choked." You chuckled out.

"We saw that. It was almost like you knew what he said." You took another drink before starting to pick up your stuff. "Oh, my God! You do know what he said."

"Would you look at the time? Break's over." You said as you stood up and headed towards the trash can.

"What did he say?" Your sister followed behind you as you left the table.

"Ask him."

"He won't tell us." They stood in front of you, waiting. You could see the eyes of the guys looking at you over their shoulders.

"Fine. You want to know what Yoongi said?" A few of the guys' eyes grew wide while the others stayed amused.

"Yes! Tell us!"

"He said that 'Your new nose job does wonders for your face.'" You touched the tip of Tiffany's nose before you quickly walked out the door.

"NO, HE DIDN'T!" You heard her yell.

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