Chapter 23

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"Get up! We need to leave now!" Rain yelled as she swung your bedroom door open, causing both you and Jin to jump.

"What's going on?" Jin asked, sitting up.

"We just got word from the girls. The fuckers that attacked last night told Saesangs that Y/N shifted." Rain said, grabbing the emergency bag from the closet.

"I don't understand." You hissed from the pain of your shoulder as you got out of bed. "Who are the girls, and why are we leaving?"

"The girls are friends that we have on the inside of each enemy pack," Jin answered, heading towards the door. "Rain, you stay with her. I'll take her bag and help the guys load up." He took the bag from her and headed out the door.

"Rain," you called after her as you followed her to the bathroom, where she grabbed the first aid kit. "Rain, why are we leaving?"

"They are coming back, Y/N. But it isn't going to be a small group this time." For the first time in all the years that you had known her, you saw fear in her eyes. And that scared you more than anything.

Your front door was wide open when you had gotten downstairs. Hobi, Jungkook, and Jin were outside loading up their truck with luggage. The snow had stopped at some point during the day as you slept.

"Come on Y/N, let's get loaded up so we can leave." Rain said helping you get your shoes and coat on. You turned to look at your house before you stepped out the door. Something told you that this would be the last time you'd ever step foot in it again.

"Where's everyone else?" you asked Rain as the two of you got in the back seat.

"They left after we got the message. They had a couple of people to pick up." Rain helped you with your seatbelt.

"Who?" You looked at her confused.

"Your parents," Hobi said, getting in the driver's seat.

"My parents? Why?" You looked at them both confused.

"Because, if they aren't able to find you, we are afraid that they are going to go after your parents." You felt someone sit beside you as you looked at Rain. "Y/N, they are running out of chances to come between you and Jin. They will stop at nothing." she pouted out.

"But where are we going?" you asked as Hobi put the truck in drive and headed down the driveway.

"To the airport." Your eyes widened as you turned to Jin, who was sitting on your left.

"And why are we going to the airport?"

"We are going to Korea. They keep attacking us here because they know we aren't able to do much about it. But in Korea, they won't be as bold, and we will be able to fight back." You let out a breath as you sat back in the seat and looked out the windshield.

Before you knew it, the truck pulled up to a private jet. With the help of Rain, you got out of the truck and made your way to the plane. Leaving the guys to unload the vehicle. After you hugged your parents, you said hello to the rest and took a seat next to the window. Your body hurt, you were tired, and you were scared. You were scared of what was to come, scared for your family and friends. You were excited to go back to Korea, but you wished it was for a different reason.

You felt the plane begin to move and watched as the runway lights quickly passed and turned into the darkness of the night sky. You heard the others talking about what the plan was once you'd landed. Whatever they talked about after that, you didn't know; you'dd zoned out at some point. You just stared out the window and hoped for things to be better.

Secrets Underneath The Moon/ BTS Jin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now