Chapter 34

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"Y/N?" You heard Sofi say as she gently shook your shoulder. "Come on, love. It's time to get up."

"I don't wanna." you said, snuggling into Jin's neck.

"Y/N, either get your sneaky ass out of this bed by yourself, or I'll drag you out." she growled in your ear.

"You aren't supposed to know that I'm in here." Your eyes shot open as you looked at her.

"Let's just say Jimin isn't very sneaky, and neither are the rest of you." She gave you a tight smile as she helped you stand up.

"Are you mad? Because I'm not going anywhere with you if you're mad."

"I'm not mad at you." she sighed. "I would have done the same thing if it was Jimin. I am, however, mad at the other three for not letting me know. But I'll let Rain deal with them."

"What the hell were you thinking?" You heard Rain yell from downstairs, followed by a couple of groans as she smacked both men upside the head.

Amber and Alice were waiting for you in your room. You couldn't help but laugh a little when Alice quickly made her way to the safety of the bathroom once the door opened. She said she was hiding from 'the wrath of Rain', which you completely understood. Amber removed your bandages while Alice got your shower ready. Sofi had to drag her out of the bathroom so that you could get undressed and cleaned up.

Your body felt better after spending some time lying next to Jin. But your leg was still sore. You looked at your wound. The hole was a lot smaller than the one on Jin's side, and it didn't have the lines from the silver. It was just golf ball-sized and had bruising around it. Whatever silver had entered your body, was now gone.

After you had showered, dressed, and the bandage on your leg was replaced, Sofi yelled down to Namjoon for him to come and carry you down the stairs. The whole group was downstairs, including your parents and Bang. Namjoon sat you down on the couch and your mom could bring you some food. They all sat around you and caught you up on what you had missed the past few days. Your parents had a small ceremony for your sisters. They were sad for losing them but grateful they at least still had you.

Your whole day was spent hanging out with everyone as they catered to you. They were not allowing you to move around too much. You had convinced them at one point to let you sit outside on the back porch swing. The fresh air felt amazing in your lungs. But a part of you felt guilty for enjoying it while Jin was still upstairs. Rain had noticed the change in your mood and was quick to sit beside you with one of her arms around you, letting you know that it was all ok and that Jin wouldn't be upset.

When night fell, everyone except for Rain, Jungkook, Ava, and Namjoon had left. The rest of the group said that they would be back tomorrow at some point, and your parents would be back later in the week. Bang said he wasn't sure when he'd be able to visit and to let him know when Jin was awake.

Jungkook called dibs on giving you a piggyback ride to your room with the others following behind. The two of you giggled while Rain and Ava tried to convince him to carry you a safer way. At one point, there was even a little chase around the kitchen. The laughter didn't stop until he had set you down on your bed before giving a small kiss to Rain before hurrying off to Jin's room with Namjoon.

After your bandage had been changed and you said your good nights, you laid there in bed and your eyelids grew heavy. You stared at the moon and prayed for Jin to wake up soon.

"Fuck." you said softly to yourself. You had been lying in bed for almost an hour now, trying to calm your breathing and get your emotions so that you wouldn't alert anyone in the house. The events of the other night replayed in your dreams. But this time, you didn't kill Lee, and Jin didn't survive. You woke up right at the time your sister pulled the trigger and shot Jin one last time. You were drenched in sweat, heart racing, and tears streamed down your face. You knew it was just a nightmare and that neither of them would be back, but it felt so real.

With one last deep, shaky breath, you wiped your tears and got out of bed. In the bathroom, you washed your face and looked at your reflection in the mirror. Your eyes were swollen and full of sadness. You bent your head down and closed them again.

"I need your strength, Violet." you said softly to your wolf. "I need you to help me pull through this." You felt her nudge you, causing you to lift your head slowly. Your eyes in the mirror had a hint of violet in them. Letting you know that she was there. You felt calmness flow through your body, and the pain in your leg ease. With another nudge, you straightened up and faced your bedroom door. She would use as much of her strength as she could to help you get to Jin. The quietness of your room was no more as she lent her ears so you could hear everyone else in the house. They were all sleeping, and neither one of you wanted to wake them.

You slowly made your way down the hall and into Jin's room. He had more color to his face than he did yesterday. You said a soft thank you to Violet before you curled up in the bed beside him again.

Secrets Underneath The Moon/ BTS Jin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now