Chapter 10

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"Rise and shine; it's beach time!" Sofi and Rain yelled on the other side of the phone.

"What time is it?" you groaned as you sat up in bed.

"A little after noon." Rain said

"Why didn't anyone wake me up sooner?"

"We tried. But your sisters wouldn't allow us in the suite." Sofi answered with a bit of anger. "Um, could you open the door, please? Your sisters just left for the beach, and we brought you some food."

"Oof!" Your foot got caught on the blanket, and you fell out of bed.

"You alright Y/N?" Sofi asked

"Yep, just fell on the floor."

You heard your friends laugh as you got yourself up and made your way to the door. They were still laughing when you let them in.

"You can stop laughing now." you said as the three of you walked into the kitchen area.

"Sorry," Sofi said with a snicker. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I spent hours drinking and dancing." You sat down on one of the chairs.

"Well, you look like crap." Rain said as she pointed at your messy hair and the clothes you still had on from yesterday.

"Thanks. I love you too." you said before you took a bite of your food.

"I wish you could have seen the looks on your sisters' faces last night while you were dancing with Hobi." Sofi laughed.

"Was it bad?" you asked.

"It was hilarious! Especially when you two got close." Sofi laughed. "Then when Jimin joined, I thought their heads were going to explode!"

"Question. How did I get to bed last night? I remember getting in the van, but that's about it." you said as you finished up your food.

"Not sure." Rain said. "You were asleep in the van when they dropped us off on the other side of the hotel."

"Oh, god." you said as you got up to throw your trash away.

"Don't worry, you looked cute snuggled up on Yoongi's shoulder," Sofi said.

"I slept on Yoongi's shoulder again?"

"Well, you started on Yoongi's shoulder. But as we were exiting the van, you had switched to Jin's shoulder, and then you wrapped your arm around him."

"This is so embarrassing." you groaned as you made your way to your room.

"Don't worry. We warned them that you were a snuggler." You heard them laugh as you shut your door.

After a shower and clean clothes, the three of you headed to the beach. It was a gorgeous day out. You could see why everyone had decided to head out.

"Oh, look who's finally awake." you heard Tiffany say.

"Well, if someone would have let us in the suite, we could have had her down here sooner," Sofi said.

"No way you two are going into our suite. It's bad enough we have to share it with her."

"What's wrong with them coming into OUR suite?" you asked, a little angry at what Tiffany had said.

"Tiff, don't make a scene." you heard Brittany say softly.

"Ugh, fine." Tiffany huffed as she turned around.

"How are you related to them?" Sofi asked as the three of you started to remove clothes that you had on over your suits.

"I thought I was going to have to slap a hoe or two." Rain said as she looked at your sisters.

"Oh, can I help?" Sofi said excitedly.

"What are we helping with?" you stopped unbuttoning your shorts at the sound of Namjoon's voice behind you.

"Rain's going to smack the twins if they don't stop talking crap," Sofi said as the three of you turned around to look at the guys.

"Feisty," Jimin said as he raised an eyebrow at the three of you.

"Would you ladies like to join us in a friendly competition of tag football?" Jungkook asked.

"Not sure if that's a good idea. These two can get pretty competitive." Rain said as she pointed at you and Sofi.

"I don't know, Jungkook. Y/N can barely look at us half the time and function. I don't think she'll be able to concentrate." Jin looked at you, crossed his arms, then smirked.

"Oh, no." you heard Rain say softly.

You walked up to Jungkook, grabbed the football out of his hands, and started walking towards an open area on the beach.

"I guess that's a yes." Jungkook laughed as he followed you.

Once everyone had caught up to you and Jungkook, the two of you picked teams. His team had Jin, Namjoon, Hobi, and Tae. While yours had Rain, Sofi, Jimin, and Yoongi.

"Let's go, Golden Maknae." you said with a smirk as you handed him the ball.

"Oh, this will be fun." he said, smiling back before getting into position.

"She's kind of scary when she isn't bashful." you heard Jimin say.

"Be glad she and Sofi are on the same team. Those two love to trash talk to each other."

"They can't be that bad," Yoongi said.

"Gentlemen, you're about to see a toned-down version," Sofi said right before the ball went into play.

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