The interview

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April 2021

"Kim Taehyung, you're newy single and 3rd solo song 'Paris in the rain' is coming out tonight! What do you feel right now?

Taehyung grinned, he averted his gaze from the interviewer, "I--- good, I feel good, I worked very hard in making that song, I hope you guys will like it"

The interviewer chuckled, "I'm sure we will Taehyung, now, all of us, especially your fanbase, on Twitter, you released a snippet of the song right?"

He nodded and smiled, "yes, I remember, it was not too long ago" He laughs

"Well, what or better yet, who is the inspiration of this song?"

The smile that was on his face disappeared slowly, it's like the question was planned, I mean, of course, it's planned, but it's like this was targeting a specific target.

The past.

He chuckled trying not to sound irritated, "Is it not obvious? Paris, of course!"

The interviewer laughed, looking at the camera as if he was expecting a different answer.

Taehyung looked at the side, where Namjoon and Yoongi, his manager and P.A stood, they look at him and gave him a small smile.

Namjoon gave him a thumbs-up as if saying to hang in there.

He came to face the interviewer, looking at his cards of questions.

"Well, is there a particular someone in Paris? Or maybe someone who reminded you of Paris, if you know what I'm saying"

The interviewer snickered, giving a sly wink at the camera, He already knows what he means, it's been that way ever since his first song as a solo artist.

The questions would always be like:

Is this song meant for someone?

Is the lyrics meant for a specific person?

Who inspired the lyrics?

He knows who they are talking about, in fact, everyone knows, he just acts dense and stupid to avoid unnecessary drama and rumours, just like what Namjoon told him to do.

Oh, how he wanted to get up, go home and call this interview over, but he cant.

So instead, he sat there, pretending everything is fine.


Jisoo sat on her settee, grapes freshly served right in front of her.

Her 65-inch tv playing Taehyung's radio station interview.

She was watching intently, stroking dalgom's fur who was beside her.

"He looks well, doesn't he dalgom?" She looks at the dog beside her who was barking at the television.

The tiny dog beside her was yapping and jumping around everytime Taehyung is on screen.

"You miss him?" She questions, and as if her dog understood, dalgom look at her and started barking, a soft whimper then escapes the tiny dog's lips.

Jisoo's lips turned in to a small smile, she placed the dog on her lap.

"I miss him too... Heck, I probably just missed the old days..."

She continued to watch the interview, the dog on her lap watching too.

"Well, what or better yet, who is the inspiration of this song?" She heard the interviewer speak, the camera moved to Taehyung, making Dalgom bark again.

She knows what the interview/ interviewer was trying to do, even she was sick of it.

"They are trying so hard to let my name escape his lips, huh, goodness give me a break." She rolled her eyes, she watches the interview with great interest.

She watches as Taehyung tried to come up with an answer, anyone with eyes and a brain could see that he was uncomfortable, but heck, no one cares, she knows how the industry works and she knows for a fact that it is hella toxic.

She stares at the TV with anger in her eyes, she felt sorry for him.

Not because she has feelings for him, or yet, what's left of her feelings for him but because any human should not feel that way.

Uncomfortable and almost being pressured to answer a question that one is not comfortable answering with.

With anger in her eyes, she remembers how it was when she didn't hide from the spotlight yet.

The time where the messy breakup was the internet's most talked about.

Paparazzi everywhere, names are trending on Twitter, the name 'Kim Jisoo' is always present in the media.

Publicity was like going through hell and back at that time, she never wants to experience it again.

A/N: so, erm do you guys like it? lmao and also, yes Paris in the Rain, lets just pretend Taehyung made that song for the sake of the story aight?

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