
668 64 24

August 2021

The two walked into the nearest diner they saw. Abyss Diner

It was near the hospital and there were not many people inside the said diner, just a few people.

"Hi welcome to Abyss, what can I get you?" The lady by the counter said

Jisoo cleared her throat as her eyes scanned the menu, "Hmm, what about you, Tae? Do you have anything in mind?"

She spoke with no stutters, she completely got over her nervous state as hunger took over her body

Taehyung glanced at the girl, he can see how focused she was on trying to decide what she wants. If he was being honest, he found it cute but even way before they were dating he already knew go serious Jisoo was when it comes to food so it wasn't a surprise.

"Umm, just a burger and chips, that's all for me..." He smiled

"Ok, how about you ma'am?" The lady asked

"Erm, is the chicken wings good? Of course, it would be, they wouldn't sell it if it's not" She scolded herself, "Right, sorry about that..." She tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear

Taehyung stood patiently beside her, admiring her side profile as the girl concentrated on what she was getting completely oblivious to the staring boy

"Is the salad good? I've when tor many diners and their salad was shit" Jisoo complains earning a small laugh from both Taehyung and the lady

"I can assure you, ma'am, our salad is great" The lady reassured

"I'm thinking I want some chicken, yeah, chicken, chicken sounds good, " She squinted her eyes, nodding, "Yes, chicken"

"I heard their chicken tacos are good, maybe you want to try that?" He asked

"I guess I could take that, I'm hungry I wouldn't care whatever it is anyway," She shrugged, "An order of chicken tacos please"

"Right, burger and chips and chicken tacos leads you to a total of 4000 won"

Both Taehyung and Jisoo pulled out their wallets and handed the cash to the registrar.

"O-Oh, it's fine, I'll pay," Jisoo said

"Hmm? No, no, it's ok, Jisoo, I'll pay, yeah?" He smiled, "Here take mine"

"What? No, no, here take mine" She insisted

"No, no, I insist, take mine" Taehyung argued


"Jisoo," He cuts off, "I insist, let this be my treat, yeah?"

Jisoo purses her lips and nods slowly as Taehyung gave the money to the cashier


The devilish man smiled as he sat inside of his car in front of the hospital

He eyed as the hospital staff and patients walked in and out of it

"Hello?" He said on the phone

"Boss, Jennie Kim is in room 203," The other guy said

Jinyoung smirked, "Perfect, did you check if she has company?"

"I heard that her friends are the ones staying with her but mostly it's Jisoo Kim who stays with her"

Jinyoung scoffed, " Ha! Poor Jisoo, taking care of her sick friend not knowing about the hideous thing she committed, the one thing that destroyed her."

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