I'm sorry

783 71 6

August 2021

Jisoo walked out of Jennie's abode, it was Jinyoung. She was sure it was him. certain.

The chime coming from her phone caught her attention, Lisa was calling her.

"Hello? Lisa?" She greets as she entered her car

"Jennie is awake, Jisoo unnie, come quick" Lisa exclaims from the other side of the line

A smile made its way across the girl's face, "I'm coming" She says, starting her car


Taehyung walked through the hospital doors, his hands in his pockets

"Excuse me? what room does Yoongi Min stay in?" He asks the person on the front desk

"Are you visiting him?" The girl says

Taehyung nodded, "Yes, I'm his friend..."

The girl hums, "Right, he's in room 203, the second floor..." She smiled

"Thank you," Taehyung thanks as he gave a small smile back, reaching for his phone in his pocket

He walks to the elevator while his eyes are still focused on his phone. He clicked the number 2 button.

"Wait! Hold on!" A girl's voice called out

Taehyung looked up, "Jisoo?" He muttered as he looks at Jisoo running towards the elevator

"Shit," He immediately rapidly clicks the door open button, Jisoo look down, she heaved a sigh as she reached the elevator

"Sorry about that, I didn't see you," He says as he scratched the back of his neck

Jisoo looked up, her mouth slightly gaped. She clears her throat, "R-Right, yeah, sorry about that, I just really didn't want to use the stairs..." She explains, letting out a small awkward chuckle

Taehyung smiled at her as he steps to the side, giving her space to enter the said elevator

Jisoo purses her lips as she stood beside Taehyung while the elevator door slowly awkwardly closes, "Are you going up to the second level too?"

"Mhm," Jisoo hummed earning a small 'ok' from Taehyung

Nothing but the sound of the faint elevator music was heard, Jisoo bits her lip wanting nothing but to exit the damn elevator which was moving remotely slow

"So-" They both said in unison

"Oh sorry you go first-" Taehyung says, "No, No, It's fine, you go first-" Jisoo cuts in

"I insist, you go first...." He smiled

 "Oh, erm, what are you doing here?" She asks

"Yoongi broke his leg recently and I just wanted to come by and visit him..." Taehyung explains as Jisoo nods her head, "I hope he's doing well, It isn't that bad, is it?" Jisoo questioned

"No, no, It's not that bad, I think?" 

Jisoo let out a small laugh, "Well what about you, Jisoo?" Taehyung said

"Oh, erm, Jennie she had..." She stops for a bit, "She's sick..."

"I hope she's ok then, tell her I said Hi, yeah?" He tells

The door opens, "Will do" Jisoo grinned

They both walked out of the elevator, "Well, It's nice to see you again, Jisoo"

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