help from friends

812 64 15

September 2021

She hums to the music as she drives back home. her head bopping to the music as her eyes were focused on the road. her mind was clouded with a variety of thoughts, Including the call she got yesterday.

Tomorrow was Sunday. The person on the phone gave her their name. It was Sang-hee. she didn't give her last name or picture just like what Jisoo asked for.

"My name is Sang-hee. please, I'm begging you to show up on Sunday. I promise I'll tell you everything."  That was what Sang-hee texted her.

"Aish, ibeonjuneun eongmang-ida," Jisoo muttered as she parked her car in front of her driveway.

She walks inside her house. The place was quiet and peaceful, with only the yaps and small barks of her dog, Dalgom was present. 

The small dog circled her excitedly. "Hello, dalgom. Are you hungry?"

Dalgom barks as he ran towards his food bowl. The dog barks excitedly as the red-haired girl filled the bowl with dog food and walked upstairs.

"Ah finally, peace..." Jisoo smiled as she sat on her bed as she takes off her shoes.

She grabs her MacBook from her bedside table and got under the covers.

Seulgi's face pops up on the gadget as she accepted Jisoo's facetime call. 

"Hey, so is Jennie alright already?" Seulgi said as she took a sip from her water bottle

Jisoo nods, "Thankfully, yes..."

"That's great, so, where do we start?" Seulgi spoke

"Umm, right now, but before we do, Thank you for doing this Seul, you're the only one I can tell you this for obvious reasons. I cant tell these to Lisa and Chaeng as you know..."

Seulgi smiled, "Of course, Ji. Anytime. I promise you that I'll help you, remember?"

"Yes, yes. So, let's start?" Jisoo laughs

Her friend gave a little thumbs up making her chuckle more.


"Ok so let me get this straight...." Namjoon starts, "You and Jisoo started talking and ate lunch together yesterday, you gave her your number..."

Taehyung paced around the room and nodded as his lips were pursed

"And she hasn't texted you back?" Yoongi, who was sitting beside Namjoon says

"Yes, yes" Taehyung answered as he ran a hand through his hair

"This bothers you because?" Yoongi yawned as he squinted at Taehyung

The boy groaned, "Cause! She told me she'll text me but she hasn't! It's been twenty-four hours, do you think I did something wrong?"

Namjoon and Yoongi shared a look. Yoongi was disappointed while Namjoon's was more worried

"Ok..." Namjoon says, "So, you guys just started talking to each other like nothing happened?" He asks

"What do you mean?" Asked Taehyung

Yoongi lets out a distressed groan, "Seriously?" He says

Both he and Namjoon shared a look again

"Ok, seriously what? C'mon, tell me!" Taehyung practically screams

"You know how, you and she are you know? exes..." His manager shrugs lightly

"And you guys did not exactly end on good terms sooo..." Yoongi added

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