Sunday & Flashbacks

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September 2021

Jisoo woke up early—Maybe not early. She hasn't slept at all, her mind was wandering places that night but after all of that, she's still as alive as ever.

She didn't feel tired or sleepy, not even a tad. So there she was sitting on the couch at five in the morning with the TV on while she sat scrolling through all her messages with Sang-hee.

"Aish, what have I gotten myself into..." She mutters

She looked over to her television, 'Are you still watching?' plastered all over the screen

She grabbed her remoted and clicked yes, she flinched as the sudden loud sound from the TV came up unexpectedly

"What have you done?" A familiar voice from the TV said

Oh, It's Taehyung.

She was watching 'Go back home'. A Netflix original where Taehyung made a special appearance at

"Dammit, Taehyung" She sighs

She scanned the TV, her eyes were focused on him and no one else. She had always liked how he acts, the way his eyes would always be filled with such emotion and the way he says his lines with such passion

Taehyung however, never fancied acting. When they were together, Jisoo had always pushed him to pursue an acting career after he made an appearance in one of Jisoo's movie, "Blood and Blue"

Taehyung was too passionate about music and he wanted to just focus on that instead, which of course, Jisoo agreed.

That was until the end of 2018 where he was given a chance to star in a Netflix series, he wanted to decline but the way he saw how sad Jisoo was when he almost declined the offer, he decided to just accept it instead

"Anything for her" As he said most of the time.

Jisoo, though, just thought that maybe he had a change of mind and that he did want to act and not that he changed his mind just for her.

But then that was until their break-up in early 2019. He decided to just finish one season and don't renew his contract again.

"Where did we go wrong?" She lets out a broken sigh

She won't deny, she had always loved him. She still does.

But after everything that has happened, she wants to forget. She just wanted the pain to subside, so she ran away.


2017 (The Ab Artist Awards)

"And the musicians of the year award goes to, BTS!" The emcee shouts as he points to the three-member boy band

The camera was faced at the boys' as their faces were on the screen

"Give it up for our musician's guys!" The other emcee yells as she claps her hand, "Come up here, you guys!"

The three went in order, Jimin first as he gave a flirty wink at the camera, then Jungkook who gave a thumbs up with a big smile on his face

Then lastly, Taehyung. He gave a small wave and a slight smirk.

The three went to the stage, all eyes were focused on them and so did all the cameras in the place.

"Right," Jungkook started as Jimin patted him on the shoulder, "To begin our speech, We would like to thank our fans..."

As Jungkook continues with his speech as he was mostly the one who does the speech when they win an award. In short, he was the speaker of the band.

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