All I want

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June 2021

"What?!" Taehyung stood up from his seat angrily startling everyone except Namjoon

"You want us to date?!" He exclaimed slamming the table with his fist

His manager sighed, "I'm so sorry about him" he apologized

"It's fine, don't worry about it Namjoon, his reaction is normal" Si-won, Mina's manager says

"Of course it's normal! You're asking too much here! H-how come you're all okay with this?!" He cried, pointing at the girl sitting across him

"I didn't say I was okay with it yet, Taehyung-ssi," Mina calmly replied, "I'm sure our managers have a perfectly reasonable explanation, right, Si-won?"

"Mina is right, just give us a chance to explain," Si-won says

Taehyung looked at Namjoon who was beside him, glaring at him while he just gave a soft look back

He sighed and sat back down, "Thank you, Taehyung" Namjoon whispered

"Now, I have already explained this to Namjoon a while ago over the phone, I have also already proposed the idea to the rest of Mina's management," He paused and looked at Namjoon, "I assume you already did too, Joon?"

"Yes, I did and they also agreed to the intention, leaving only Mina-ssi and Taehyung to decide," Namjoon says

"Wait so you're telling me, even sajangnim agreed?" He lets out

"Yes, he did" Namjoon confessed

"Unbelievable! So it's me and Mina-ssi who has not decided yet, am I right? So the pressure is on us! But who am I kidding? Even if one of us won't agree we still won't have a choice but to do it, right?!" He shouted

"Taehyung-ssi, please calm down" Mina announced

"I'm so sorry, but how can I calm down? They're asking us for too much, Mina-ssi!" He yells

"They wouldn't think of this idea if they didn't think it would benefit the two of us, none of our management would agree either" Mina reasons

"Fine! Explain, both of you!" He exclaimed

"Just like what Mina said, this will benefit both of you, for Mina it will be great for her upcoming movie this July while for you, for your song, of course! It will also be great this upcoming AB Artist awards, so what do you say, Taehyung-ssi?" Si-won illustrates

"I'm pretty sure this will work out fine for the both of you, you guys won't be dating, it will all just be for the media, media play, you know? Just for the camera's" Namjoon added

"If it's just for the camera's then it won't bother any of our personal life, am I correct?" Mina questions, tapping the table with her finger

"Yes, you are correct, Mina-ssi, this will all be for the camera's and publicity" Namjoon clarified

The girl nodded, "Well, as long as it stays that way then there is no reason why I should go against it" She smiled

"Thank you, Mina-ssi" He thanked

"Now, it's time for your decision, Taehyung" Si-won declares

He scoffed, "I don't have any choice now do I?" He rolled his eyes

"Taehyung..." His manager warned as he patted his leg

"Taehyung-ssi, think about it," Si-won says as he gave a smile

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