Old Friend

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May 2021 (approximately one month since the last chap)

The four girls were sitting on the chairs outside the house, they were in the garden hanging around by the pool.

"Do you think this is a good idea?" Rosé asked, Lisa looked t her vaguely while sipping her orange juice

"Of course, I trust her, she's my friend" Jisoo smiled, her eyes then moved to the paper filled with numbers and back to her phone

"I mean, Rosé is right, it's been a while since you last contacted her" The brunette with the cat eyes lets out

"Well, I trust her with all my heart, she believes me, don't worry"

"Unnie is right, I'm pretty sure she's trustworthy and especially when unnie trusts her that much" Lisa grinned, she looked at both Rosé and Jennie who just nodded

Jisoo dialled the number on her phone, gulping she clicked the call sign

Ring ring

Ring ring

Ring ring

Ring ring

The phone continued to ring making each second nerve-wracking especially for Jisoo, her breathing gets heavier every second she hears it ring

"Rosé are you sure that the number you got is the one she is currently using as of now?"

"I'm sure Lis," Roseanne reassured

Ring ring

Ring ring

Ring ring

"Goodness the suspense is killing me, why can't she just picks up" Jennie groaned, her leg bouncing up and down

Ring ring

Ring ring

Ring ring

"You know what maybe she's busy let's just call another time-"

"Hello? Who's this?"

The four girls looked at each other with glee, "Seulgi, it's me, Jisoo"

They heard a loud gasped from the phone, "J-Jisoo? Oh-- No, this has got to be a joke! It cant be you!"

"Surprise? It's me, Gigi, I swear" Jisoo giggled

She placed the phone on speaker making everyone hear it, they heard little sobs from the phone making them look at each other in confusion

"Jisoo, it-- Oh my gosh-"

"Shhh, be quiet, please, can we talk, I need you to go to a place where there is no one around, can you do that for me Gi?"

Seulgi gasped and muttered an 'oh right'

Then they heard footsteps, the sound of a door being slammed and locked was then heard

"Alright, I'm in the stock room, I assure you there is no one here" She consoled

"It's ok, I trust you, look, Seul, I have something to ask of you"

The three girls looked at Jisoo, Jennie was looking down, Lisa was biting her lips and Rosé was fiddling with her hair

"Anything, just say, I'll do it"

"I'm planning to do something, but I can't tell you over the phone, it's not that I don't trust you-"

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