Every masterpiece

740 61 24

September 2021

The soft sound of a guitar being played echoed around the quiet room. "Going back to the corner, na, na, na, na" Taehyung sang as he played the instrument

"Gonna camp in my sleeping bag, mhm, hmm, mhm" he sang softly, thinking of each lyric one by one, humming the melody when he can't think of a word.

The peacefully sleeping girl lightly groaned as she moved around in the bed catching the attention of Taehyung who was strumming the guitar on the floor. 

Jisoo’s eyes flutter open as she sits up and yawns. Taehyung hummed as he placed the guitar down.

Jisoo looked around, Where am I? 

Taehyung looked up and slightly smiled. "Oh, you're awake"

He stands up, "Sorry, I wasn't able to bring you back to your own home, I sort of forgot the way back there," Tae chuckled. "I didn't bother asking you as you we're already fast asleep"

Jisoo’s cheeks turned pink, "O-Oh, I fell asleep?" She asked

Taehyung nodded, making the girl blush even harder, she laughed awkwardly, "Oh. Sorry about that, I was just really tired and all" She fiddled with her fingers.

"It’s fine, no need to worry about it." He said as he sat on a chair.

Jisoo nods slowly (and awkwardly) as she looks around the unfamiliar room. Taehyung noticed and mentally scolded himself.

"Oh yeah, umm, I should've told you this right when you woke up," He laughed, "You're in my place right now."

Jisoo’s mouth formed into an ‘O’.  Her face turned confused and then slightly turned glum.

He noticed and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

"Oh, nothing" She snickered, "I was just confused for a minute there why your room looked different, then I-I umm," She halts, "Remembered that you moved..."

Taehyung’s expression dropped, "Oh yeah, I moved houses."

The wretched memory of her leaving their house that one January morning went through their minds.

After she moved, Taehyung moved houses too and sold the house to who knows who. 

The house that was once filled with memories of the two.

Hush filled the room as the two avoided eye contact with each other.

Jisoo looked at the floor, spotting crumpled up papers, pens and a guitar.

"Oh, are you writing a song?" Jisoo questioned

"Umm, yeah, it’s not yet finished though," He laughed a little, "I barely started, really"

Jisoo laughed along, "Well, show me what you've finished?" She smiled at the boy

"O-Oh, well, are you sure? Haha, I mean it’s pretty shit." He rubbed his nape while looking down at the crumpled pieces of paper.

"Every masterpiece starts with being shit, Taehyung." She grinned as her feet dangled off the side of the bed.

His eyebrows raised as he smiled to himself, every masterpiece starts with being shit.

Back to 2018.

Jisoo groaned, laying down on the bed, covering her face from frustration. "Ugh!" She wailed. Taehyung, her boyfriend who was situated down on the floor, chuckled.

"Oh, come on, Ji" He laughed, "We won't finish if you keep on sobbing"

Jisoo sat up and pouted, "But I can't think of anything"

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