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January 2019

"Sightings of Kim Jisoo with another man, namely Park Jinyoung, were found hanging around in the park near Bae Bar, the two were seen being close together, people think Kim Jisoo is cheating on her boyfriend, BTS member Kim Taehyung, what do you guys think, do you think Jisoo is cheating on Taehyung or do you guys think it was a misunderstanding? Follow for more updates"

"Seeing getting close and intimate, Kim Jisoo was spotted at the park named Bae Bar with Director Park Jinyoung earlier this morning. Jisoo nor Jinyoung or even Taehyung had given any remarks about this situation" 

News after news replayed in her head, cold sweat ran through her face, she was rolling back and forth on her bed. her breathing was getting unsteady as paparazzi's and the camera's played through her head.

"Jisoo, is it true you are cheating on Taehyung?" 

"Jisoo, look here!"

"Jisoo what is your relationship with Park Jinyoung?"

"Jisoo, any comments?" 

It replayed in her head making her uncomfortable, her breathing was getting unsteady every second.

"Is Kim Jisoo a cheater? pictures have been spreading on the internet, Park Jinyoung visiting Jisoo in her home, these pictures were taken by paparazzi earlier around four in the morning. the #KimJisoo and #CheaterJisoo have been trending on Twitter"

"If you think the #JinJiTae scandal won't get any worse, unfortunately, it did, pictures of Jisoo getting intimate and making out with Director Park Jinyoung has been spreading all over Twitter! Kim Taehyung was also seen getting drunk with a bunch of girls in a local bar in Daegu, has the couple broken up? subscribe for more tea"

"Well, would you look at that, Director Park Jinyoung released an official statement in Twitter saying that he was force to have a relationship with Jisoo with none other than Kim Jisoo herself, The director tweeted, 'Kim Jisoo was the one who forced me to have a secret relationship with her, the pictures in the park was not edited, it is true, Jisoo was drunk and she kept forcing herself on me even though I did not want too, yes, me and Jisoo had a secret relationship, she cheated on Taehyung, I broke it off with her earlier this morning, unfortunately, she did not take it too lightly, I'm gonna make this clear, I and Jisoo had a relationship, but I broke it off, the only thing I know is that I am not the only guy she cheated on Taehyung with, there were multiple'." 

It's not true I'm not a cheater! It was stupid rumours!

Tears fell from her face her hands gripping her pillow as she let out a loud cry, "Unnie, Unnie! wake up! are you ok?"

Jisoo gasped for air as she got up from her bed, she saw Jennie looking worried beside her looking like she was about to cry too, she forgot that Jennie stayed for a night but at the same time she was thankful she was there.

Jisoo was still shaking after that hideous nightmare, she finally calmed down after a few rubs on her back and a few licks from her dog, Dalgom's soft whimpers made it clear that the dog was worried too.

"Unnie, here..." Jennie arrived back from the kitchen with a glass of water, Jisoo mouthed her a small thank you and slowly drank the water. Jennie sat on the edge of her bed, Yeontan in her arms, she watched as Jisoo finally calmed down.

She already knows what happened even before Jisoo tells her, she knew she had another nightmare about what happened, the breakup, the cheating scandal, the 'downfall' of her career. Every time she thinks about it, it makes her heartbreak, it was a tough topic to talk about especially in her little friend group.

"Jisoo, are you sure you're fine already? do you really wanna push through with the plan? It's only been 2 years Ji" She says, Jennie already knows that her best friend is tough, at least tougher than the last years. 

The Jisoo she is faced to faced now knows what she wants, stronger, mentally and emotionally, but she did not want to risk it. She never wants to see Jisoo unhappy or suffering after the hectic 2019.

"I'm fine Jennie, I'm better, better than before, we already planned this ever since I arrived here, ever since I hid from the spotlight" She reasoned, holding Jennie's hand.

"You still have the nightmares, Ji, I think we should wait another year, it's only been two years, I'm sure they still haven't forgotten about 2019" 

"Exactly, I don't want to show up 5 years later when I'm already irrelevant, how am I supposed to have the attention on me? The timing right now is perfect Jen, people are still talking about what happened but not that focus on it, trust me on this" She smirked

"How... How sure are you that you are ready?" Jennie questioned

"As ready as I should be, I'm gonna clear my name, Jen, I'm gonna show them that I am not a cheater" Jisoo smiled, she had been dreaming of this moment ever since what happened

"I'm glad you're finally ready Ji, you're right, you're strong now!" The brunette giggled, she knows she's stronger, she trusts her best friend when she says she's ok, she tries to pretend everything is fine but her eyes doesn't think so otherwise, it's still full of doubt.

"I know, Jen, I have a plan, a plan to make Jinyoung pay, to prove I'm not a cheater."

"What he did is not a joke Jisoo, the shit he made up almost ruined, heck possibly even ruined your reputation, all the hate you were receiving, the death threats! The attack, that was not a joke Ji!" Jennie screamed

"I know that Jennie, he ruined me in every possible way, he made me look like something I was not in front of millions of people and I am gonna make him pay! Ok?"

"I-i trust you, I trust you when you say you're fine and also, correction, We, we are going to make him pay, no one is gonna make my best friend's life hell and think he's gonna get away with it" The brunette smiled, Jisoo pulled her into a hug, she knows Jennie was not messing around.

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