The day of the awards

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August 2021

It was the day of the most awaited awards party but Taehyung couldn't care less.

It was the first time in two years for him to be attending the awards party. If he was to decide this year would be like the past two years. No attendance.

But no, Namjoon and his CEO was the one who decided, now that he 'has' a girlfriend, it will be just fitting for him to attend and be her date

Once again, for publicity.

He couldn't care less about publicity but he had no choice

"Taehyung, Taehyung! C'mon Mina-ssi is waiting for us in the building" Namjoon exclaimed

He looked at the window and saw a swarm of paparazzi crowding the area

He cringed at the thought of going through that again

"Namjoon, can't we park somewhere more, you know, private and not having a dozen paparazzi waiting for you to get out of your car?" He rolled his eyes

"We can but we won't, this will be good for your image. Public appearances" Namjoon abruptly says as he stared outside

"Oh wow! Now you guys are just being selfish!" Taehyung shouted

"Stop your yapping, we need to go," Namjoon says as he exited the car

"Well damn, huh?" Taehyung announced as he looked at his driver who mouthed an 'I'm sorry'

"It's fine, it's not your fault, you're just doing your job," He speaks up

The driver gave a smile as the boy exited the car and being immediately surrounded by flashing lights

He couldn't see where he was going nor see anything as a matter of fact.

"Hey stop!" He exclaimed as one paparazzo bumped into him

"Stop, I said stop!" He says as he tried to make his way into the crowed

He suddenly felt a hand grip his arm, it was Namjoon

"C'mon," He says as he and Taehyung made their way into the building

He sighed a sigh of relief as the building door closed, the cold A.C air was relieving

"Oh good morning! I am Leonardo, your stylist for this night's event! I am also your girlfriend's stylist, speaking of, she's already there waiting for you! Come, come" Leonardo says as his yellow faux fur scarf sashayed as he walked

"Wait, where's my other stylist? The original one?" Taehyung whispered

"Leonardo will be your stylist for tonight's event but don't worry your original stylist will come back after tonight" Namjoon explains

Leonardo opened the door, "Come on you slowpokes! We don't have a lot of time!"

The three entered the room finding heaps of boxes filled with different kinds of clothing and accessories

"Hey" They heard a feminine voice from behind

It was Mina, all dressed in a one-shoulder velvety crop top paired with a lavender matching skirt

"Ah, there is your lovely, beautiful girlfriend! You guys make a lovely couple, visual indeed" Leonardo gushed

"Umm, yeah, yeah," Taehyung says as he ran a hand through his hair

The awkward silence was left between the four of them

Leonardo cleared his  throat, "Right, let's get to business now, shall we?"

The three nodded, they followed him but Taehyung felt someone clasping his arm

It was Mina, she smiled at him as she links her arm with his and connected their hands

"What are you doing?" He whispers

She laid her head on his shoulder as they walk together hand in hand, "Well, we got to pretend to be together, am I right? might as well make it look believable..." 

He pursed his lips together, "Right..."

"Ah, Taehyung, Namjoon, good to see you guys..." Si-won greeted

"Nice to see you here too, Si-won" Namjoon smiled

"Well, you guys sit down for a minute, I'll go grab the clothing" Leonardo grinned as he excused himself and left the room

The four of them sat down on the couch, Taehyung and Mina sat down together while Namjoon and Si-won were on the other couch.

"I'm glad to see you guys get along," Si-won says as he gave the so-called couple a smile

"It's not like we had any other choice" Taehyung mumbled as he subtly rolled his eyes

The three turned to the door as they see Leonardo come in with a rack and being accompanied by two staffs

"Ah, well, may the two models come this way for the fitting of the clothes, please?" Leo gushed as grabbed the dress and suit from the rack

Mina stood up first, fixing her skirt in the process, "C'mon, Tae" she smiled as she offered him a hand

Taehyung sighed as he stood up and intertwined his hand with Mina. The two walked over to Leo

"Here, the dressing rooms are right over there now, these girls are Riley and Natasha, they will be assisting you guys with your wardrobe, Riley you help Miss Mina while Natasha can go with Tae-" 

"I think I can handle myself, Leo, changing clothes isn't that hard" Taehyung snapped back as he was getting irritated at the whole thing and just wanting to home

Leonardo laughed awkwardly, "W-well alright then, Natasha you can go with Riley and Miss Mina" 

He grabbed the suit and immediately let go of Mina's hand causing the girl to flinch, he rushed to the nearest dressing room leaving the four confused

He just wants to get this day over with and find out where he went wrong.

A/N: hi y'all so um as you can see, we're getting closer to Jisoo's comeback which is very exciting but yeah sort of a boring chap anyway I hope u guys enjoy your day/night, love lots, stranger_chae <3

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