stuck by your side

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June 2021


"Taehyung-ssi, think about it," Si-won says as he gave a smile

What would Jisoo think?

"It would just all be for the camera's and it won't affect your private life in any sort of way" He continues

I'm sorry Jisoo

"F-fine, but promise me that you won't let us do anything that is out of the line not do anything without my permission"

He secretly hoped that this would be a way to get his mind off of Jisoo. No matter how absurd it may sound but he wishes that Mina will let him forget about the girl who was on his mind every time

"Thank you, Taehyung, you made the right choice, now, we just need to announce it to the public, any ideas, Joon?" Si-won smiled


1 month later - July 2021

"So you mean, you just woke up and she was gone?" Yoongi asks

"Yeah, pretty much, can you believe it? she talked to me that night as if she had not shown herself to the public for two years, talking to me as if we did not end our relationship badly, she talked to me so comfortably..." he says

"So that was why you came back earlier than expected and you started acting weird?" 

The boy shrugged, "Pretty much, I mean who wouldn't act weird, everything that had happened that night was bizarre and stuff" He laughs

"Yeah, I get it, I mean not in talking with an ex that disappeared two years ago and suddenly appeared at the same private resort you're in but you know, I get it" 

Taehyung laughed he didn't expect to see Yoongi the way he sees him right now, he had always thought of Yoongi as the stone-cold dude that doesn't give a damn about the world or what's happening in it but now his point of view kind of changed

"Do you even have an ex?" Taehyung questions

"An ex? I mean, sort of I guess" He says as he took a sip from the coke can

"What do you mean I guess?" He smirks

"Well, the longest relationship I had was a month and a half long, the others go as long as a week" He shrugged as he says calmly

"Woah, Woah, Woah, what? A week!?" Taehyung shouted

"Um, surprise?" Yoongi chuckled as he gave him jazz hands

"That was unexpected, I mean for me I guess, I only had one ex ever in my life, the others were just mindless rumours that people believed and made me look like a playboy" He uttered

"Hey, it doesn't matter what the media shows you as I mean it does I guess since you're a celebrity and all that but let's be real, was there ever a celebrity that the media didn't make stupid rumours of? none! as long as you know the honest truth, you have nothing to worry about," Yoongi voiced while Taehyung listened intently

"There are some people like you, celebrities that are ever so innocent but then the media comes up and ruins their whole reputation because the people are hungry for drama, making up lies to feed the people who sit behind the screen that does nothing but spread hate and negativity to people who have a hundred times more talent and interesting lives than them because they're jealous," Yoongi continued

As he listened intently his mind drifted off to a particular someone, Jisoo. The girl who had received so much hate and threats, but the question he always had was that Jisoo was proclaimed as a sweetheart and even when they were dating she had always stayed like that, She was the kind of person who would slap their mouths a hundred times when they swore or the one who would say sorry a hundred of times because of an innocent accident.

So her 'cheating' was and had always been a surprise to Taehyung as time passes, was it possible that it was all a lie? was the story a complete fabrication and a set-up? the thought would always crow his mind especially every sleeping hours but at the same time the thought of her not being so innocent as everybody seemed she also entered his mind.

"Yoongi? when there are rumours do you believe them? especially when the media tells it" He questions hoping to get some kind of answer

"It depends who the person is and the rumour is but even so sometimes the rumour would turn out right but sometimes it would all just be fabricated" He answers

He nodded, "But what if it was someone who we would have never thought of? Like the last person, we would ever think of?" 

"Well, sometimes the person who we would have never thought of was never the person who we perceive them to be sometimes they have hidden agenda" He looked at Taehyung who had a confused look on his face

"Even the people you trust and love? even the person who you think you know well?"

"Well, Taehyung, it depends who the person is, if you think you know the person well you would know if they are capable of doing such things. It also depends if you believe in second chances and if your trust with that person is strong and unbreakable because if you trust them, you would believe them and not the lies" Yoongi explained


Yoongi shook his head, "You know, Taehyung, if you wanted my opinion about Jisoo's case, you could have just asked me but just like what I said it depends on how much trust you have in that person, are you gonna be the one who leaves when everyone has left? or are you gonna be the one who sticks by their side when the world has turned their backs on them?"

"It doesn't matter anymore, I made my decision that time and I have to live with it even if I regret it" He muttered

"We may not be able to change our past decisions but we can always make better ones in the future" Yoongi reassured as he gave him a smile

Taehyung returned a smile as Yoongi's words replayed on his mind

 Are you gonna be the one who leaves when everyone has left? or are you gonna be the one who sticks by their side when the world has turned its backs on them?

Oh, how I wish I was the one who stuck by your side but I became the one who left when everyone turned their backs...

A/N: Hello! sort of a filler chapter but I did my best, Ily all <3 
currently listening to ghostin by Ariana grande while writing this :( 
Moreover, is Tae starting to regret his past actions and decisions? Cause it looks like he's starting to... ;)

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