Beautiful night, huh?

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May 2021

He couldn't sleep, although he was laying on a rather comfortable bed with soft pillows and the cool breeze from the outside draped his body, his capacity to doze off was nonexistent

Was it possible? He thought as he stared at the ceiling—his thoughts were all over the place. It couldn't possibly be her...

He tossed over. If it was her, how blind am I?!

Scolding himself at the thought, his mind dozed off to the brunette at the gazebo talking to Sandara, its possible but I refuse

"I'm probably just overthinking again, I need fresh air" He groaned as he stood up from the comfy bed

Rummaging through his luggage, he grabbed his brown coat and went outside—immediately he was hit with the cold and fresh breeze, he hugged the coat tighter around his body as he started to walk around the seashore

Sand went in between his toes as he dragged his feet across the grain

No sound was present except the sound of the waves crashing and the birds tweeting, "Beautiful night, huh?"


She could barely manage to fall asleep, her eyes were heavy and she was sure she was tired as well but no matter how many tosses and turns she did, nothing worked. She was still awake.

Her eyes kept on looking at the door, it was like something kept on telling her to go outside

"Ugh" She groaned as she clenches her hair in frustration

Maybe it was the feeling of newness? Maybe she just wasn't used to the feeling of the new bed and the room, maybe she was just used to seeing her room and her dog before she dozes off

"Maybe going outside wouldn't be such a bad idea," She tells herself

After minutes of contemplating whether or not she goes outside, she had finally concluded that maybe the outdoors was all she needs.

Her hut was near the gazebo which was a little bit far from the beach, so it took a little while for her to arrive

She heard the sound of the waves crashing becoming louder and louder as she took a step.

She hugged her body tighter, attempting to keep herself warm from the cold breeze washing over her body

Her eyes narrowed as she saw a silhouette, watching the ocean just like she did, it was him.

She already knew it was him just by the silhouette and of course, Sandara told her earlier, she knew that this was bound to happen as the resort was small and it was impossible to not bump into each other

It was new to her. Its been so long and this was the closest she got to him in the last two years

She did something not even herself expected...

"Beautiful night, huh?"


"Beautiful night, huh?" He stiffened at the sound of the voice, the cold wind didn't help at all

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