Flat tire

863 87 9

August 2021

"So, what do you want to talk about, Jisoo?" Jinyoung spoke

Jisoo let out a small laugh, "Don't act so innocent, Jinyoung, you know damn well what we are going to talk about..." She pouted as she took a sip of her tea

"Oh no, I really don't, Jisoo, how about..." Jinyoung leaned closer, "—You tell me?"

No noise was present, only the sound of the wind and birds were around as Jisoo and Jinyoung came face to face

The table was the only thing that was separating them as the smug look on Jinyoung's and Jisoo's blank look

It was tense. No one made any noise as they stare into each other eyes, like a staring contest, except, it was no game

The silence was interrupted by Jisoo's sudden movement as she places the cup on the table and laughed

"Oh cut the bs, Park, we're not here for some mere chitchat," Jisoo said as her once blank stare turned into a firey gaze

"If you wanna talk about how you manipulated me and cheated on Taehyung, the only tip that I can give you is to move on, I mean, the poor guy that you betrayed had moved on with someone new and obviously someone better..." Jinyoung chuckled

Jisoo's grip on the cup became tighter as her piercing stare on Jinyoung became more noticeable

"What, Jisoo? You mad? How pathetic, Kim..."

"I'm gonna make you pay, Jinyoung, for everything that you've done, to me, to Taehyung, and my friends, if karma won't strike you now, I'll do it first..." Jisoo stood up, her gaze still on Jinyoung

Jinyoung squinted and tsk, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, good luck, I guess? I don't know how you'll do it, but sure, have fun trying" He laughs

"Trust me, Jinyoung, regret will be all that you'll feel after what I will do," Jisoo retorted

"—and, I don't need luck, I've got the whole truth and karma by my side, save that pathetic luck for yourself..." She added

"Oh, Jisoo, you may have thought you have the upper hand and step forward in front of me? But you're wrong, I have a trick up my sleeve that will be your downfall, and who knows, maybe after you learn the truth..."

He stood up, fixing the chair, he went near Jisoo.

"—Maybe you'll get to hiding again? Just a tip, Kim, be careful of who you trust because snakes are everywhere" He whispered in her ear

"Do you think I don't know that Jinyoung? After my experience with you, I know damn well what's it like" She snapped back

Jinyoung stepped back, "Have fun, Jisoo, do your best" He chuckled as he pats Jisoo's shoulder

"Let's go, we're leaving" He signals his driver as he walks out the gate

Jisoo stood still as she grips the chair, her face turning red from resentment

She closed her eyes as she calmed herself down, "We'll get him, I will get him..."


Her gaze was focused on the road as she drives back to her house, her mind was still on her talk with Jinyoung

The talk was unexpected and none of her friends knew that she met up with him

She made up some lame excuse on going to the grocery store which fortunately for her, the three believed

"Crap!" She exclaimed as her car was put to a halt, "Damn it,"

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