
781 78 28

August 2021

Jinyoung sat on the chair twirling the glass with his hand looking directly at the girl who was sitting in front of him

"Hmm, I'm glad that you showed up, I thought you'd chicken out" He chuckled

The girl rolled her eyes, "What do you want from me Jinyoung?"

It was already past midnight, nothing but the sound of the wind and cars were heard

"Remember what I told you a couple of days ago?" He chuckled, "Of course you do, right?"

The girl simply looked down, Jinyoung pouted as he placed the glass on the table

"Now, now, don't give me that look," Jinyoung laughs as he took a sip

"Just tell me what you want, I swear I'll do it" The girl retorted, it was fairly obvious she was scared

"I'm not here to ask you to do anything, I just wanted to tell you to maybe check up on Jisoo, you know, If she's ok..."

Fear took over the girl's body, she sat in her place frozen as her lips quivered

"What did you do, Jinyoung?!" She stood up aggressively as she slammed her fist on the table

Jinyoung flinched at the girl's sudden movement, "Woah, calm down..."

"Don't tell me what to do Jinyoung! Answer me! What did you do?!" She shouted

His eyes widened, slamming the glass back on the table resulting in it breaking.

The girl winced as glass crystals were all over the table

"Don't talk back to me! You know damn well what I'm capable of"

Her breathing hitched as tears threatened to escape her eyes once again

"Now, how about take my advice and call your friend because who knows? She might be dead by now and you probably can't do anything about it..." He let out as he sat back down on his chair

She simply nodded, "Y-Yes I will"

Jinyoung smirked, "Good, you may go now..."

The girl hurriedly walked out as she took her phone out of her pocket

Bouncing her leg, she waited as Jisoo picked up her phone

Ring ring



"Hello?" Jisoo yawns as she picked up her phone from her nightstand

"Hey, Jisoo!" Seulgi greeted from the other line

"Seulgi, why the heck are you calling me at this time of night?"
She yawns once again, rubbing her eyes

"I just wanted to check up on you, maybe you want to go to the movies tomorrow..."

Jisoo sighs, "I want to but I can't, I'm recording a song tomorrow"

"Aww, ok, I guess I'll just find someone to watch with"

Jisoo hummed, "Mhm, yeah, well I gotta snooze, I have a busy day tomorrow..."

"Yep! Let me hear it the second you're done with it okay?" Seulgi insisted

Jisoo let out a small smile, "Of course, goodnight Seulgi..."

"Goodnight Jisoo, rest well"


It was a busy day for Jisoo, she was halfway finished recording her new song

She smiles as she sat down on her couch, she barely used her phone all day nor even got the chance to look at it

She sighs as she saw there were no new text messages, none from Seulgi, none from Lisa and not even Rosé

Knock knock

She slightly flinched as she heard a knock from her gate

Rolling her eyes, she walks to her gate with dalgom in hand

As the knocks got louder, Jisoo became more and more annoyed

"Hold your horses I'm coming!" She yelled

"What do you want—"

Taehyung coughed, "Hi Jisoo..."

"Oh, Hi Taehyung" She chuckled nervously

At that moment Dalgom squirmed around her arms as he saw Taehyung

"Hey, dalgom!" Taehyung smiled as the barks of the tiny dog got louder at the sight of his past owner

"Can I hold him?" Taehyung questions as his eyes remained on the pup

Jisoo remained still

"Jisoo?" He calls her, "You there?"

Jisoo laughs nervously, "Haha, yeah, I'm here, present, mind totally not in a different planet or so..." She rambled

Taehyung snickered causing her cheeks to turn into a light shade of red

"Well, can I hold him?" He asks once again

She nodded slowly, "S-Sure you can..." She smiled as Taehyung took the dog in his arms

Dalgom's bark disappeared as he excitedly squirmed in his arms

"So erm, what are you doing here?" She questioned

"Oh right, right, you actually left one of your rings? I think it's yours..." He says as he took a ring out of his pocket

Jisoo gasps, "It is my ring! Thank you, Jennie gave this to me for my eighteenth birthday so it's special to me..." She smiled as she placed the ring back on her finger

"Right, well looks like my job here is done? I guess I'll get going now..."

Jisoo's smile disappeared, "Sure, I mean, ok, thank you..."

She didn't want him to leave, in fact, she wanted to ask him if he wants some coffee but it was out of the line, at least for her...

"Ok, goodbye Jisoo..." He smiles as he gave Dalgom back to the girl causing the pup to whimper

Jisoo smiles, "Right, bye..."

Walking back inside her house her phone rang

"Jennie?" She muttered as she answered the phone

"Hey, Jen—"

"Jisoo? Jisoo!" She got cut off by Jennie's sudden tone

"Hey, are you ok?" She questioned confused by her friend's abrupt expression

"Why didn't you answer my call?" She asks, her voice turning soft, almost like a whimper

"Your call? When was that?" Jisoo inquired as she sat down on her sofa

"At Midnight..."

Jisoo checked her phone, it was true

Jennie ♥ (1 missed call)

One thing was just going through her mind, as of now...

Why midnight?

A/N: I'm so very sorry for not updating for so long but I hope you guys liked the chapter even just a little bit lol

(Also, please ignore errors lmao)

But yeah, that's all really! See you in the next chapter, Au revoir!

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