Phone call

667 63 19

August 2021

Both Lisa and Chaeyoung were both fast asleep on the sofa they both were huddled in. The day went fast and before they knew it. It was already dark.

Jisoo already went home after she bought food for the three younger girls and made sure Jennie was alright before she left. She knew how childish Lisa and Rosé can get sometimes.

Only Jennie was wide awake. She was still in her hospital gown but she had a sweatshirt on as the cold in her hospital room could sometimes be too much for her.

She sat on her bed, looking out at the window. 

She wondered how things got like this. 

How things went from alright to catching fire real quick. 

She wanted to get out of the hospital to keep Jisoo away from the truth but at the same time she felt as if she needed to stay in the hospital so that Jisoo's full attention would be on her.

Jennie felt like she was going crazy. She didn't know where or how to start.

One thing she knew for sure is that Jinyoung wont let her go and wont stop that easily.

 But the most important thing she knew for a fact is that, Jisoo was getting closer and closer to finding out the truth. The secret she buried six feet under for the past two years.

The same secret that kills her bits by bit everyday. The secret that almost ruined Jisoo's reputation that made her hide and made her miserable everyday.

She didnt know how she'll ever face her best friend if she ever finds out what really happened. Heck, she felt like she doesn't deserve to be Jisoo's best friend after everything she had done.

Jennie just hoped that after she finds out the truth, Jisoo would keep her promise. That she and her would remain best friends forever and always.

"I'm sorry, Jisoo." Jennie muttered as she looked at what Jisoo adores to gaze at the most. 

The moon.


Jisoo got home from the hospital exhausted. It was Lisa and Rosé's turn to take care and stay with Jennie. In fact, Jennie was getting out tomorrow! It was great news for Jisoo.

"Ugh, finally" She muttered as she threw her jeans and shirt in the washing machine

She stood there with just her robe covering her body. Her eyes were tired and so was her.

Her mind flashed back to Taehyung. She let out a smile but the said grin soon faded as she remembered something important

"Shit!" She exclaimed as she stopped the washing machine, wincing as she took the wet jeans.

She reached into the pocket, groaning as she felt the wet paper.

"Damn it!" She yelled, "His number! Stupid, stupid, Jisoo!" She hits her head

Jisoo lets out a sigh as she threw her jeans back in the washer.

"Great, now he may think that I ghosted him." She tied her hair into a ponytail, "Just great. Amazing, amazing, Jisoo"

Ring Ring

The sound of her phone ringing caught her off guard. She took the phone off the table. It was an unknown number. 

Maybe its Taehyung?

"Hello?" She greeted

"Is this Kim Jisoo?" An unknown voice asked from the separate line

A wave of panic wash over Jisoo, how did someone get her number?

She gulped, "Uh, N-No, I think you got the wrong number, sorry" She tried to end the call

"Wait! Wait! Stop, please, It's urgent..." The unknown woman pleads, "If this is Kim Jisoo, I need to tell you something, Please don't block my number. Its important" 

Jisoo bit her lip. The way she immediately sensed the fear in the woman's voice made her feel guilty. She was scared in a way; She didn't know who or where the woman got her number. She doesn't know if this whole thing was a facade, a scam.

The call went silent. "Ma'am, I need you to tell me who gave you my number-"

"The person who gave me your number is unimportant. look, Jisoo, I have to tell you something. I am not a sasaeng, a stalker or anything that's in between the lines. I just have something important to tell you."

Jisoo ran a hand through her hair, "Ok, Ok. Just please, after you tell me delete my number afterwards, so, What is it?"

"I'm afraid I cant tell you on the phone, I-I promise I wont tell anyone your number. I have to talk to you in person." The woman said almost out of breath, as if she was crying a little while back.

"In person?" Jisoo scoffed, "Look, lady, I'm too busy to be a part of your games and scams, please just cut me some slack and delete my number-"

"i'm not trying to scam you, I don't want your money, your clout or any shit you have. I have a piece of information that I cant keep to myself anymore. The guilt is eating me up..." She heard the woman's small whimpers

"If its so important then why not tell me right now?" Jisoo said, lowering her tone.

The woman sniffled, "I cant just tell you on the phone. I'm sure you would like to discuss this topic in person as well" 

"If not now, then when?" Jisoo questions, "And what are we even talking about?"

"Please meet me on Sunday at around 3 pm at the restaurant a couple blocks away from the abandoned building on Rosefred Street. I'll tell you everything" 

"How am I sure that this is not a scam? That this is not a fraud or a set up? That your'e not gonna do anything bad to me?" Jisoo asked as she gripped the phone tightly

"Cause its about your scandal. I know something about it. I'll tell you my full name, my address. I'll tell you anything you want to know about me."

Jisoo's breathing hitched, her scandal?

"My scandal?" She asked

"Yes, 2019." The woman said

The line went silent again. Jisoo nor the woman did not let out a word.

She closed her eyes, "What about tomorrow? At the Abyss Diner?" 

"I'm sorry, I cant do that. It's on Sunday, that or nothing." The woman let out

Jisoo lets out an annoyed grunt, "Tell me your name and give me your I.D picture. This better be worth it, please." 

And with that, Jisoo ended the call. 

She leaned on the washing machine. She still wasn't able to process the information that was given to her. She just hopes for sure that the data she was given was worth it. She didn't want to raise her hopes up for nothing.

A/N: Hello! Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. Do you guys have any idea on what happens next? but yeah, anyway, LISA'S SOLO THOUGH

You guys had better been listening to LALISA & MONEY cause both songs are a bop. I'm so proud of our Lili! I'm sure JenChuChaeng are proud of her as well. And to all fellow soyaas out there, Jisoo's solo is next! We made it!!!

Lets also wait patiently for snowdrop, cause I'm sure it would be amazing.

That's all, Au revoir, Ilysm <333

(also, please ignore any errors) to all Filo readers out there, pagpasensyahan niyo na po ako, medyo sabog lang po talaga

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