the best day

717 44 13

September 2021

The day ended. It was splendid. Both of the girls had fun, loads of fun. Especially, Jennie.

"So, are you gonna go back home or are you gonna stay with me?" Jisoo asked her.

"Umm, no, I'll stay with you." Jennie smiles as she looked up from her phone.

Jisoo looked at her and slightly grinned, "What's up?"

The brunette looked up confused, "Hm?"

Jisoo chuckled awkwardly, "Nothing, it's just erm, You checked your phone every minute, is there something wrong?"

"No, of course not. Manager and Yeji and stuff, nothing serious." She says putting her phone back in her small bag.

It was serious. She found out her mother and father had huge fight. It was nothing new, Yeji told her from time to time that their parents fought almost every night but this time the fight was bigger than any other fight they had which was a part of the reason why Yeji came back to South Korea.

One night, her mom called her crying. She learned that her parent's relationship was hanging by a thread

Then she got a call from her manager saying that she got rejected from all of the movies she auditioned in.

She felt as if her whole life was sand and it's slipping right through her fingers. That she couldn't do anything to fix it.

her career, her family, everything. Now she's here, holding on to what she can to avoid her friendship with Jisoo suffering the same fate.

She couldn't tell anything to anyone, to her, it's her problem and she should be the one to fix it.

Her mess.


It was night time already. Jennie was in her room while Jisoo was in hers. Safe to say they were both extremely tired. Jen was already fast asleep while Soo on the other hand was still wide awake even though she was exhausted from her busy day, she already tried to close her eyes, count sheep but still, sleep has not hit her yet.

It's fine though, it's normal to say the least. Insomnia has been her best friend ever since two years ago. Cue eye roll. 

"Ugh," She groaned, "What time is it?" Jisoo mumbled as she grabbed her phone from her bedside table. 

11:52 PM it read.

"I just want sleep, is it too much to ask for?" She whisper yelled, slamming her phone down on the bedside table again. 

A notification was heard. Jisoo perked up snatching her phone again. 

(1) prince 🤴 ☘

She smiled. It's him again. 

prince 🤴 ☘

prince: Hiiiii

you: why are you texting like a teenage girl? lol

prince: umm, rude. that's how you texted me last time, smh.

prince: but anyway, soooo, how was your day?

you: pretty good, pretty good. very tiring, actually. 

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