Forever and always

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August 2021

August 2021

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turtlerabbit: damn we got it in HD lmao

jennie's chanel: 😍 so pretty!

roblox kid: ok, let's ignore the fact that the video is in HD and that she's pretty, but can we talk bout her voice though? Damn.


foreverlalisa: the camera is better than my eyesight lmao anyways, congrats jisoo!

minariiii: mina's prettier and more talented #jiflop

taemina01: no wonder taehyung replaced her with mina #jiflop

jenchu's lichaeng: notice how all hate comments come from TAEMINA shippers? Lol stay pressed mfs

LETSPLAYROBLOX: didn't we hate her in 2019?


"Hey, Jisoo" Jennie greeted as she walked into her friend's room

"Hello..." Jisoo welcomed as her eyes still focused on her phone

The brunette sat beside her, "So, how's the reaction?"

Jennie says as she sees Jisoo scrolling through the comments of her newly uploaded video

"So far, the only comments I saw were good and supportive, I saw a few hate comments but not much to worry about" Jisoo closed her phone as she placed it on her bedside table

"That's good..." Jennie says as she fiddled with her fingers

"Yeah, so what brings you here?" Jisoo told as she laid down on her bed

Jennie smiled and looked at her, "Can't I just see my best friend?" She teased as she laid beside her

"Of course you can, can you believe it, Jennie? It's happening!" Jisoo gushed

"Well, how do you feel? I haven't gotten a chance to talk to you about your performance yesterday, were you nervous?" The brunette questioned

"I mean yeah but the look on Jinyoung's face after my reveal made it all worth it! He was so shocked!" Jisoo chuckled

Jennie looked down, "Mhm, well, did you see Taehyung's reaction though?" She teased her friend who turned bright red at her statement

Jisoo cleared her throat, "No, why?"

"I'm pretty sure he was shocked as well, too bad he has a girlfriend now, you guys would have shaken the world with your relationship comeback" Jennie giggled as she poked Jisoo's cheek

"Nah, I doubt that would happen" Jisoo shrugged

"Yeah but still..."

The two laid in complete silence until Jennie spoke up again

"Hey, Jisoo?"

Jisoo hummed in response as she looked at the brunette haired girl who was beside her

"Do you think everybody deserves a second chance?" Jennie looked up at her

Jisoo pursed her lips together, "Well, I think so, yeah, why did you ask?"

"O-oh well, I don't know, I guess because you look so comfortable with the topic of Taehyung and... Jinyoung" Jennie stammered

Jisoo smiled, "I told you already, I'm not the same weak Jisoo that I was two years ago and to add another answer to your question, in my opinion, second chances are earned and not given, you know? You can forgive someone but you know things won't go back to normal..."

"Go back to normal?" Jennie questioned

Jisoo nodded, "Mhm, you just know that your bond won't ever be the same again"

"O-oh," Jennie muttered

"Why did you ask though? I'm pretty sure that you won't ask that question out of the blue, what's wrong?" Jisoo asked concerned

"Well, it's nothing really, I guess things happened and I just wanted to ask your opinion about it..." Jennie smiled

"Why what happened?" Jisoo looks at her friend worried

"W-well, i-it's because..." The almost teary-eyed Jennie looked at Jisoo, "Lisa ate my fries! She's asking for forgiveness but I already blocked her number!"

Jennie cried jokingly as she lay her head on Jisoo's shoulder

"Omg, are you serious?! I thought something was wrong!" Jisoo exhaled as she whacks Jennie's shoulder jokingly

Jennie burst out laughing, "But it is wrong! She ate my fries without permission!" She whines

Jisoo rolled her eyes at the girl, "I swear someday ill hit you for real!"

"Aww, come on Jisoo, I was just joking..." She says as she nudged Jisoo

"But seriously, if there is something wrong don't hesitate to tell me alright?" Jisoo said as she nudged her back

"Of course, we are best friend's after all..."

"Exactly!" The red-haired girl laughed

"Are we still going to be best friends if hurt each other though?" Jennie asserted

"We hurt each other multiple times already, I'm sure a petty fight won't change a thing between us..."

Jennie nodded, "You'll still forgive me?"

"Yes, every time, but you'll forgive me too right?"

Jennie nodded, "Pinky promise me we will forever be best friend's?"

The girl says as she put out her pinky

Jisoo smiled, "Pinky promise"

She says as she intertwined their pinky together

"Best friends, forever?" Jennie asked as she laid her head on Jisoo's shoulder

"And always..." Jisoo finished

The two looked at the sunset at Jisoo's bedroom window, enjoying the beautiful scene come undone right after their pinky promise

The two best friends stayed in silence knowing that none of them would ever let the promise wither

They would still be best friends forever and always...

A/N: cute jensoo moment for all of you that is a sucker for jensoo <3

Also, please ignore mistakes/errors, that's all thank you <33

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