The night of the awards

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August 2021

"... Congratulations to Park Jinyoung for winning the 'Director of the year' award! Jinyoung you may now claim your award!"

The emcee announced as the camera pointed at  Jinyoung who was sitting on his chair, cheers and claps were heard as Jinyoung walked over to the stage

"Wow! I can't believe it, to be honest, being called the director of the year is such an achievement! I would like to thank everyone and of course, myself for all of my outstanding ideas!" He says as he proudly held his award

The audience laughed at his joke as he also returned a laugh

"Thank you all, for this award!" He grinned boastfully as he walked down the stage

"That's Jinyoung for you guys! Haha, now, for the special appearance that I am sure all of you had been waiting for!"

"Right, the special appearance, I wonder who will it be?" Mina smiled at Taehyung who smiled at her back

"No idea, probably someone foreign?" He replied

"I'm excited! This awards party had been boring anyways the only thing I cared about was the special appearance" One of the audience whispered

"I wonder who it will be..." Another one says

Taehyung looked around the stadium as he tried to find out who the special appearance may be

He locked his eyes at the three girls sitting a row in front of them, it was Jennie Kim, Lalisa Manoban and Park Chaeyoung

He felt a weird feeling, it was indescribable but he shrugged it off and leaned back as the stadium lights start to dim and the lights on stage started to gleam

The two emcees on the stage started to exit too as the camera that was live started to focus on the stage

The stage started to glow red as faint music was heard in the background

"Gosh, I'm excited!" Mina gushed as she sat still on her seat, her eyes fixed on the stage

"Almost everyone is, look how focus they are..." He responded

The stadium was quiet as they all await the special appearance

The faint music started to get audible and louder as they all sat excitedly

Taehyung on the other hand has his eyes focused on the three, out of all the people in the stadium, the three looked more enthusiastic than anyone

The music started to get louder making everyone in the stadium scream

"Got a figure like a pin-up, got a figure like a doll, don't care if you think I'm dumb, I don't care at all..." A voice from behind the curtain stage sang

A voice so familiar and so new to him, he gazed at the stage as the stage curtain started to open making the unknown singer appear

The girl was dressed in a velvety red cloak that was up to her waist and a mask that covered her eyes and had short black hair

The audience cheered as they saw the masked singer

"Candy bear, sweetie pie, wanna be adored..." The singer walked sassily onto the centre of the stage and placed the microphone on the stand

"I'm the girl you'd die for..." Her husky voice reminded him of someone

The audience cheered louder, making it hard for him to concentrate

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