Fate and Lunch

748 68 27

August 2021

Taehyung yawned as he entered Yoongi's hospital room, his eyes were still closed as it was quite early in the morning.

"Here, do you want some orange?" A soft voice spoke

"I would like that, thank you, Mina," Yoongi says

Mina? Taehyung opened his eyes to see Mina sat beside the hospital bed, peeling an orange

"Mina, what are you doing here?" Taehyung asked as he closed the door behind him

Mina looked up and smiled, "I visited Yoongi, what's up?"

"Can we talk? Privately..." He says. Mina nods as she placed the half-peeled orange on the plate as she follows Taehyung out the door.

"Mina, why are you here?" He asked once again

Mina chuckled, "I told you, I came to visit, Yoongi..."

"Is there any specific reason why you did?!" He whispers yells

The girl rolled her eyes, "Taehyung can you calm down? You aren't Yoongi's only friend, you know?" She crosses her arms

"Seriously, Mina? Did Si-won or Namjoon ask you to come here? Do you want an Instagram pic, ok, ill give you that then" He rambled as he took his phone out of his pocket.

Mina groaned as she slapped Taehyung's hand, "Can you just chill? I'm not here for a picture and no, Si-won or Namjoon didn't ask me to come here, so relax"

"I-I just don't get why you're here, Mina," Taehyung told, "Well, when are you leaving?"

"Wow, telling me to leave already?" Mina scoffed sarcastically

"Mina..." He says with obvious slight irritation in his voice

"I'm leaving as soon as Chaeyoung picks me up, ok? So calm down big boy..." She laughs as she pats his shoulder

"Mina," He says.

Mina hummed as she raised her eyebrow.

"I'm not trying to be rude or anything but erm, " He stopped, "Just because we're fake dating doesn't mean you have to insert yourself in any situation or anything that's happening in my private life..."

"I know, Taeh-"

"Who's fake dating who?" A voice from behind Taehyung said

Mina's eyes widened slightly as Taehyung looked back

"O-Oh, Jisoo..." He says

"Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop," Jisoo confessed as she chuckled nervously

"Oh, um, you see-"

Mina cleared her throat, "It's not a problem, Jisoo, we just heard a rumour that is all" Mina smiled sweetly

Jisoo looked at both Taehyung and Mina, "Oh, ok, well I just came by cause erm, I just wanted to visit Yoongi, I brought some food, Its too big for me and Jennie to share..."

"That's great, Jisoo, I was just peeling some fruits and stuff for him, I'm sure he would enjoy the food," Mina said politely

Jisoo smiled, "I hope you guys don't mind..."

"Not at all! Come in," Mina laughs as she slightly pushed Taehyung who was blocking the doorway making the boy fall out of balance a bit

Mina ushered Jisoo inside as Taehyung followed behind. "Hey, Jisoo" Yoongi greeted

"Hi, Yoongi, I brought some food, It's too much for me and Jennie," Jisoo says as she placed the containers filled with food on the table

"Oh, is Jennie here too?" Yoongi asked

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