
995 94 42

August 2021

"After two years and a half of hiatus, Kim Jisoo is finally back with a bang! she had finally shown herself to the public, many people think she is back for revenge after what happened last unpleasant year with ex-boyfriend Kim Taehyung, though she has not given any remarks, all we know is Kim Jisoo is back, new look, new style, new her!"

«BREAKING NEWS: Who would have known? Kim Jisoo is finally back! Such a lucky year for Sooyaaa stans! The actress performed at the AB artist awards last night

Many would say she turned the event into her concert! Talk about being iconic! Speaking of iconic, many fans, k-Netz and even international netizens have listed some of the most iconic performance of the decade

Listing Kim Jisoo as #1 most iconic performance of the decade and #1 comeback! Many are happy for the return of Kim Jisoo and are now wondering what's next for the actress and singer

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anonymous1: not a fan of her even before her scandal in early 2019 but I might be now after seeing her perform

anonymous02: she made the whole event into her concert lmao!

anonymous03: I hope she starts releasing new music soon, the song she performed at the AB awards was iconic, surely go down in history


anonymous05: ok, ok, I get it her performance was good but does anyone know what the bad thing about this is? What if she breaks up TaeMina?! I can't let that happen! 😤

anonymous06: I don't care lol, why would I forgive a CHEATER and a MANIPULATOR because of some stupid performance she did two years later

anonymous07: nobody likes Kim Jisoo 🔪


Jinyoung threw the remote at his T.V.

He was frustrated and mad, he yelled as he threw all the pillows from the sofa into the wall

Red from anger, he took out his phone from his pocket and called the number that was at the top of his call logs


"Well, hello, I think you know why I have called?"

"Jinyoung, please..."

"Please what? You know the drill, you made a deal with me and there is no turning back now"

"You are the devil! Go back to hell or wherever you came from!"

Jinyoung scoffed, "Sure, I can be the devil but you know for a fact that when you make deals with the devil there's no backing out or there will be consequences, right dear?"

"I hate you! I should have never agreed to do this in the first place!"

"Well you already did, so deal with it!"

"What do you want from... Me?"

"I want you to keep your mouth shut and don't tell anyone about what WE did"

"I-I won't"

"I don't trust you, that's why I sent a spy to spy on you and your every move and will report back everything that you did"

"A spy?! Seriously, Jinyoung?! A freaking spy! Trust me, I won't tell anyone"

"Trust you? Why should I?"

"I kept this secret for two whole year's and resisted telling her"

"But I know you, A good, innocent soul like you that is filled will guilt will someday  break down and confess everything I won't let that happen especially now that she's back"


"I'll make sure you lose everything, you're friends, career and family, why would they be associated with a traitor like you?"

"I know, Jinyoung and I regret it"

-call ended-

The girl from the other side of the line broke down in hysterics as she threw the phone on the other side of the room

Jinyoung was right, she will someday break down and lose everything and everyone. It's going to be karma doing its work

She regretted everything she did out of jealousy

"I can't do anything about it now," She sat down on the floor as tears fell down her face, "I'm a bad person, I'm sorry Jisoo, I regret everything"

A/N: hi y'all, so erm, looks like there's an imposter lmao but I made this chapter because it says on my phone that comeback was #1 in the tag???

A/N: hi y'all, so erm, looks like there's an imposter lmao but I made this chapter because it says on my phone that comeback was #1 in the tag???

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I'm not sure of it's true though

That's all, bye!

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