Private resort

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May 2021 (2 weeks later)

"Ugh, I really wish I could come with, my schedule is just not with me right now!" I heard Jennie scream on the phone as I pack my things into my small luggage

I laughed at her 'crisis', "that sucks Jen, I really wish you could come with me, Lisa and Rose couldn't come either so you were really my only hope"

I heard her gasp, "So you're telling me I was your last resort? Unbelievable!"

I closed my luggage and placed it on the ground, "Not really, you were just the last person I called" I said while shrugging

I tied my hair up as I searched for my sweater, "I'm sorry, I really do wish I can come with you, Ji, I miss the beach so much!"

"It's fine, Jen, I'll update you guys, don't worry"

I grabbed my phone off the bedside table and turned off the speaker phone, I jumped on my bed making poor Dalgom yelped in surprise

"Why did you decide so sudden, anyways?"

"I don't know" I confessed as I turned on the TV

"Well, I got to go, call me when you arrive, ok?"

"Yep, love you, Jen"

"Love you too, bye boo"


"As your friend and manager, of course, I think this is a really good idea, Taehyung, you have been so stressed lately, going to the beach to relax will do you some good." Namjoon says as he leaned on my door

"Yep, just call me when things happen" I closed my luggage and sat on my bed

"Yeah, I already called Yoongi last night and he cleared all of your schedule for the week, but, he did tell me that you will perform on what was that called again?"

I ran a hand through my hair and shrugged as I look at my confused friend, "RileyTV, was it?"

"Yes! Exactly!" he exclaimed as he pointed a finger at me making me laugh

"Well, alright, I'll call as soon as I arrive" I say as I put on my sweatshirt

"Right, don't forget to update your Instagram as well, it's good for publicity"

Oh yeah, Instagram....

"Yeah, sure"


"Ms. Jisoo, were here" The driver says making the brunette took of her air pods and look at the window, she smiled as she saw the entrance to the private resort

"Thank you, I just need help with my luggage and then you can go, It's your free week as well, just pick me up, Friday around 5, thank you" She spoke as she puts on her sunglasses and hat and got out of the car

As the driver took her luggage out of the car she took this opportunity to take a look at the surroundings, tall green trees, fresh air and a secluded area, just what she needed before her 'major comeback'

"Here is your stuff, Ms. Jisoo, do you want me to escort you inside?" The driver offered, she shook her head and took a hold of the handle of her luggage

"No thank you, I can manage, you can go now, Oh! And before I forget, here's your salary for the month" She realizes as she took a check out of her small bag

"Thank you, Ms. Jisoo, enjoy your stay, Madame" He smiled at her and went back to the car

She made her way inside, being escorted as she did

The resort wasn't too big nor was too small either, just two infinity pools and a clear blue beach, at least five little beach huts to be your home for as long as you want to stay there

"Madame, this is your hut for your stay, Miss Sandara will come to visit you shortly"

Sandara, the owner of this little, secluded resort was always there for Jisoo and knows about her situation, she was like a second mother to Jisoo, she was her aunt, her mother's sister making them really close

This place is where she and the girls go to unwind, this is also where Taehyung and her go to when they were still together, it was like their own little safe spot as they called it.

The place brought so many memories, luckily it was all happy ones, back when shit didn't go down yet or back when their relationship didn't sink with the Titanic

"Thank you, Lucas"


Taehyung's car stopped at the entrance of the resort, he parked his car on where he usually parked

"Good morning Monsieur" an employee greeted him as he entered the resort

"Good morning, sorry I came an hour early, I wasn't doing anything anyways" He confessed, placing his hands in his pockets

"Its fine, Monsieur, Miss Sandara isn't here yet, would you like to go to your hut already?"

"Oh no, it's ok... I'll stay at the bar while waiting for her, if that's ok..." He took of his sunglasses and placed it on his shirt

"That's alright, Monsieur, I also must inform you that we have another guess"

His brows furrowed, nobody was usually here every time he visits, usually it was always him

"Oh, how many are there?" He asks

"Just one Monsieur, It's just you and her" the employee spoke as he leads him to the bar

"Oh, alright"

Her, so a girl....


Sitting on the bar stool Taehyung had the perfect view of the ocean, while sipping his orange juice he waited for the owner, Miss Sandara to arrive

The brunette was on the swing set, it was near the bar and had an amazing view of the beach, her floral dress flowed as the wind hits her, swinging back and forth she waited patiently for her aunt Sandara to show up

Both their eyes were glued on the clear ocean, both completely unaware of their situation and on how near they were to each other, both having the same motive which was to relax and to forget, even if it's all just for a week.

A/N: Hello, so they both went to the same resort? talk about being soulmates, jkjkjk, the epic comeback is near yall, btw the reason why the text are in Italic its because these all happened in the 'past' the present will be when Jisoo will be back in the spotlight, after that happens the text wont be in italic anymore! 

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