could it be?

901 92 16

July 2021

Leaving the entertainment building, Taehyung was swarmed with paparazzi crowding him and inquiring him about questions he doesn't bother answering

The cameras are shoved up in his face while he barely had space to walk on. Luckily some bodyguards helped to keep things in order and not out of the line

He had just come down of the building after a meeting with the CEO about the fake dating aspect

After a couple of minutes of paparazzi shoving cameras and questions in his face, he made it to his car where Yoongi was waiting

He groaned after shutting the car door, the AC hitting his face. He finally had room to breathe.

"Tough crowd?" Yoongi asks

He shrugged, fixing the AC's position, "As always"

"Alright, where do you wanna go?"

The question took him by surprise

"Do I not have any more meetings today?" He questions

Yoongi took off his glasses and placed them in his pocket, "Apparently not, I guess"

"Seriously?" He asks still not believing

"Do you want to escape this horrid crowd of paparazzi or not? Speak up, where do you want to go?" Yoongi retorted

Taehyung smiled, the thought of this one specific place popped up in his head, "Well there's this place I've wanted to go to, I just didn't have time..."


It was around one in the morning and the girls were asleep, all except Jisoo

The red-haired girl was sitting on the edge of the bed as she looks at the window that has the perfect view of the moon

She was careful not to make a noise as to not wake up her three friends who were fast asleep

The biggest night that could happen in her life was coming up. The AB Artist Awards Party. She was different now. She wasn't the girl she was before and she knows

As the two years passed by she rarely gets scared anymore. She rarely felt any emotions anymore, Only joy.

No more fear, no more anger and no more sadness, or so she thought.

The day where she saw the dating news of Taehyung, she felt something she hasn't before.

Jealousy with a mix of sadness.

She hated the way she felt, it was weakness.

She shouldn't have felt that way especially now that the ABAAP was a month away.

She prepared for two whole year's yet she felt scared of what's going to happen

"Obviously he'd moved on..." She mutters

"I mean seriously? He acted so obsessed with the idea of getting back together with me when we met at the resort and now I find out he's been dating that chick for a month?!" She angrily says

She gasped, covering her mouth in shock

What the heck?! Get a grip Jisoo!

She angrily grabs a pillow and hits her head. Get. a. grip. woman.

"This is stupid." She breathes

She looked around, maybe reading a book would help?

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