
671 55 38

September 2021

Jisoo and Jennie walked back in the house.

"Jisoo?" Jennie asked, "What are you doing with him?"

Her tone was harsh, mad or maybe just angrily confused.

Jisoo took a deep breath, "Nothing, Jen. We saw each other while I was doing some of my errands and decided to have lunch." She shrugged and smiled

Jennie scoffed, "Bullshit," She muttered.

"Had lunch? What are you guys back together now?" She crossed her arms

Jisoo playfully rolled her eyes, "No, Jen, of course not. Just lunch together, yeah?" She smiled at Jennie.

"You don't just have lunch with your ex-"

"Oh Jen, what are you doing here? Does Yeji know you're here?" Jisoo asked

Jennie was taken aback by the sudden question, hell, she forgot to think of a proper excuse on why she was there.

"O-Oh, umm, of course she knows I'm here! I-I just wanted to you know, spend time with you today but you weren't here, I have a spare key to your house, remember? I decided to just wait here" She said

"Oh," Jisoo nodded slowly, "Right, ok, well, have you had dinner yet?"

Jennie shook her head, "No, have you?"

Jisoo shook her head as a response, "Nope, let's go to the kitchen yeah? What do you think about cooking together? We haven't done that in a while!" She grinned

Jennie's face lightened up, "Of course! Of course! I love that, let's go!"

She shouts grabbing Jisoo's arm, pulling her to the kitchen.

A nice cooking time with Jisoo is what she definitely needs right now.

A couple hours ago.

Jennie's phone rang, It must be Jisoo.

"You've got to be kidding me." She groaned as Jinyoung's caller ID popped up on her phone.

Her breathing fastened as cold sweat started to form

"Unnie, you ok?" Yeji asked, "you're kind of pale, do you need some water?"

"Huh?" Jennie faced her, "N-No, I'm fine, don't worry, do you need anything?"

"Uh, yeah, actually, I was wondering if you can lend me some money? Me and the girls are hanging out" Yeji giggled

Jennie rolled her eyes, "What about your credit card where Appa and Eomma gives you your monthly allowance? What happened to that?"

"Oh, yeah..." Yeji bit her lip, "About that, actually, they took it away from me since they said I was spending the money recklessly, which is totally not true! It was only like what? 2,500 dollars? It wasn't really a big deal" She shrugged

"Not a big deal, seriously?" Jennie scoffed

"Oh please, you spend more than that, don't act like such a saint, unnie. So? can I?" Yeji smiled

"F-Fine, go take thirty thousand won fron my wallet, don't take more ok?! Be back before eight, also, I'll be spending the night at Jisoo's"

Yeji shrugged, "Yeah, yeah, thank you, unnie, you're the best" She says as she went out of Jennie's room

By the time she was the done with the conversation with her sister, the phone call ended.

"Shit," Jennie swore as she pulled her hair out of frustration.

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