
923 87 18

August 2021

Taehyung was once again stuck in another photoshoot, Mina was there and so was Namjoon to keep him 'in check' as if he would do something reckless, but as would Namjoon say, "It's better safe than sorry"

As the camera shatters and as the photographer instructs him on his next pose, his mind wanders off to the unknown girl he accidentally texted a week ago

"Taehyung? Taehyung?!" The photographer shouted

Taehyung cleared his throat as he stared at Mina and Namjoon

"Focus," Namjoon said

He subtly rolled his eyes as he nodded

I can't wait for this photoshoot to end


"A lot of people had been asking about what's next on your agenda? Will you be starring in a movie? Perhaps release an album?" The interviewer said

Jisoo smiled, "I already know what's next for me, it's just for me to know and for you guys to find out sooner or later"

The interviewer nodded, "That's amazing, Jisoo! We are very excited about what you prepared for us, right guys?"

The audience cheered making Jisoo chuckle and wave at the crowd

"Now, as we already know, this is your first-ever interview ever since your comeback at the AB artist awards, right?" The interviewer questioned

Jisoo nodded slowly as she placed back a strand of her behind her ear, "Right..."

"I'm just going to go straight to the point here, Jisoo, what are your thoughts on Kim Taehyung and Myoui Mina dating?"

She sighed, of course, this question would pop up

"I'm happy for them, they look good..."

She looked at the interviewer and then back at the audience

"-together, they look good together..." She beamed at the camera

The interviewer hummed, "So you're happy for them?"

She pursed her lips and nodded, "Of course, shouldn't we all be happy that someone had found their other half?" She laughs

"Have you guys talked?"

At that very moment, Jisoo felt the urge to just jump off the stage and run back into her car

But she couldn't, of course. She's not allowed.

She shook her head gradually, "No, we haven't gotten a chance to talk to each other..."

That's a lie, they had talked to each other. At the private resort.
But they didn't have to know about that information...

"Well have you met Mina?" The interviewer inquired

She chuckled nervously at the camera, "Nu-uh, haven't gotten the chance but she seems like a sweet girl..."

"No wonder why Taehyung likes her..." She mumbled, being careful for it not to be audible

"Sorry, what did you say?"

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