facetimes and bourbon

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May 2021

Jisoo sat on the counter, hesitation filled her face, Seulgi can be trusted, I know that

She sighed and took a sip of her coffee, she wants to be safe, she wants to stay hidden before her big reveal, but it's her, she helped me in times of need, protected me when I got hate, it's her, why am I worried?

Biting her lip, she decided to text back, she didn't want her to think all her trust in her is gone when she barely did anything wrong and is very happy to hear from her again, Seulgi deserves to know

"Alright, but please, don't let anyone know anything about this phone call"

Jisoo already know she won't hesitate, as she sat in silence with the coffee in her hand she waited for the reply

"Of course, I live alone and there is no one here inside the house but me, I assure you"

Smiling, she took a deep breath and pressed the facetime button, her hand was firmly gripping the coffee while the other was holding her phone, the ringing continued until a tiny 'deet' was heard

Seulgi's face appeared on screen, she can't help but smile as she finally saw her face after a long time

"Jisoo! Oh my, it is you! I'm gonna start crying soon!"

Seulgi gushed, her big smile plastered on her face while her eyes are becoming glassy, it was clear that she is about to cry

"Seulgi, please don't, if you cry I cry!" Jisoo giggled but her eyes are becoming lustrous, oh how she misses her bear so greatly

"It's just-- it's been so long! I miss our daily calls so much, h-how are you?"

"I have been better, I'm bored out of my body sometimes though, that's why the girls come here and visit me often"

She chuckled as her legs dangled from the counter, "You mean, you haven't come out of your house ever since... you erm, move?"

She smiled and nodded, "Yup, all I have is my dog and my fishes, but that's pretty much it, I mean I have been visiting the countryside ever so often, but that's all I ever go to when I'm out"

She couldn't tell her about her daily drives and stalking, were not on the proper topic yet

She drives to the park where she had been spotted 'kissing' a particular someone, her stalking and visiting houses, "Wow, it must be boring, huh?"

"Erm, yeah, I guess so"

Seulgi smiled, "So what is it that you want to talk about?"

"Right, that, ok, give me a sec"
She ran back to her room and directly closed the door

She sat on her bed, regaining her breath, she opened the lamp beside her bed, "Alright, This August, the annual AB Artist awards party will be held, I need help on that, do you think you can help me?"

"Ab Artist Awards Party, I'll see what I can do, tell me what you want me to do"

Jisoo smiled, I knew I could trust you Seul


"Alright, I'll do my best Ji, but I think we're gonna need more than four people to make this plan work, I can handle the ABAAP but I can't ask too many questions, they might get suspicious"

Jisoo nodded, "It's fine, I'll get Rosé on the job with you, Jennie also says she knows a guy who can help us with Plan ABAAP, we don't need to worry about the other things as we are not on that plan yet, all we need to know are the exits and entrances-"

"Place, date and time, it's fine Ji, we can do this, I'll text you what I know"

She gave a genuine smile and Jisoo gave her one back, she was truly happy that she has Seulgi with her

"Yes, thank you Seulgi"

"Jisoo, thank you for trusting me with this"

-call ended-

"They pull me in the moment
You and I alone and I don't mind"

Playing the piano, he sang his new song quietly

"Cause Anywhere with you feels right
Anywhere with you feels like
Paris in the rain, like Paris in the rain"

Singing the song he recalled something, a beautiful memory but now, sadly, will forever remain a memory

"It's not like every song I release is about her"


Everything reminded him of her, two years he's been living in misery, he misses her a lot

What if I didn't break up with her? Will, we still be together

What if I stuck with her the whole time? What if we didn't let the media ruin us?

What if i believed her? What if Jinyoung was the one lying?

I hate my life.

Tears fell from his cheeks, he made his way to his kitchen and grabbed a bottle of bourbon from the shelf

Grabbing a shot glass he poured some bourbon and instantly drank it, he needed to forget.

Glass after glass he drank it all up without hesitation, sweat drip from his face, his vision was becoming blurry

His body was becoming weak after a couple of drinks, passing out on the counter, he achieved what he wanted, he forgot about the pain for a couple of hours.

I hate you for making me still love you after what you did, I hate you Jisoo, you're unforgettable

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