
741 72 16

August 2021

Jisoo was getting impatient, Lisa and Rosé already left, while they were hanging out she spammed Jennie with texts, yet, there was not a single reply

She took a deep breath as she paced back and forth, still, spamming Jennie with continuous text messages

"Jennie, where the hell are you..."
Jisoo nervously bit her lip as she stared out the window, her car parked right outside

That's it, you made me do this, Jen, Grabbing her bag from the sofa, she dashed outside to her car, entering it and turning it on


Driving up to the curb, nearing Jennie's, she spots a black car in front of her house

Scrunching her eyebrows, she squints as she saw a man exiting the house and entering the parked car

Just as she parks in front of the house, the car drives away

"Ms Jisoo? I don't think Madame wants any visitors as of now," A helper says as she opened the gate

"I'm her friend, trust me, she won't get mad" Jisoo justify as she shuts her car door

The hesitant face was still present on the maids face, "Maam, I don't think Madame will allow me to..."

"Just please, ok? I just need to talk to her," She pleads

The maid took a deep breath as she opened the gate, Jisoo mumbled a small thank you as she rushed towards the main door

Running up the stairs, she finally reached Jennie's bedroom

Knock Knock

"Jennie? Are you there? Open the door please, it's Jisoo..." Jisoo speaks as she continued knocking

Knock knock

"Jennie, please, I know you're in there, I'm getting worried..." She continued knocking rapidly but there were still no answer 

"You made me do this, Jen" She yells as she opened the door, coming face to face with a dark room

"Jennie? Jen, are you here?" She calls out as her hand searches for the light switch

She flinch as she closed her eyes from the sudden light coming from turning on the switch, Jisoo rubs her eyes, starting to get used to the sudden light

"Shit! Jennie, " The red haired girl exclaims as she spots Jennie lying unconscious on the ground, The girl rushed to her friend, almost on the verge of tears

"Crap, Jen, wake up, wake up!" She shouts as she shook Jennie's body, "Help! somebody, help!" She yells once again, alerting the maids.

"Call an ambulance, hurry!" She instructs one of the helpers as she held the unconscious Jennie in her arms, "Shit, what happened?!" 

"I don't know, Madame never left the room!" Explains one of the maid

"Just hurry up and call the ambulance, hurry!" Grabbing her phone from her bag, she dialed Rose's number, "Pick up, pick up."

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