Out of the hospital

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September 2021

It was the following day. Jennie was gonna be released from the hospital and Jisoo still couldn't move one from the phone she had yesterday

"Ms Jisoo?" The doctor says

Jisoo looked up from her chair and smiled, "Is she good to go?"

The doctor nodded as Jisoo followed her inside Jennie's hospital room

There she saw Jennie in her casual attire, being checked by the nurse

"She's all good to go, Ms Jisoo" The nurse grinned

Her smile widened at the news, she averted the nurse's gaze as her eyes went to Jennie's

her smile dropped, Jennie looked like she wasn't happy at all. She sat on the bed, her mouth slightly pouted as she fiddled with her hands

"Thank you," Jisoo thanks, "Um, we'll be heading down in a while, thank you again"

The doctor and nurse nods as they headed out the door leaving Jisoo and Jennie

"hey" Jisoo sat beside the brunette, "Arent you happy you're getting out of the hospital?"

Jennie only remained silent as she gave a small shrug

"Don't you think it's great that you're not gonna eat the nasty hospital food anymore?" Jisoo joked as she slightly nudged the gloomy Jennie

Jennie lets out a small chuckle, "Yeah, I guess so..." She mutters

"See! We're gonna go out with Chaeng and Lisa and eat all the best foods out there" Jisoo laughed, "You name it, we buy it" She winked

Jennie nods, "Ok, whatever you say..."

Jisoo sighed as she placed her hand on Jennie's, "Hey, what's wrong? You can tell me anything you know that right?"

Jennie nodded, "Yeah, yeah, of course..." she slightly bit her lip

"Then tell me what's wrong, we're not leaving this hospital until you do," Jisoo says sternly

Truth is, Jennie was scared. Her in the hospital means she gets privileged of having Jisoo by her side without any reason

Now, if she's out, things would go back to normal, meaning she wouldn't know about Jisoo's whereabouts

"I-I just," She stopped, "I-I, maybe—perhaps, I just, you know?"

Jisoo tilted her head trying to make out the things her friend was trying to say

"I guess I got used to you always being by my side and now that I'm out, everything would be back to normal and you wouldn't be with me anymore..." She spoked

"Oh, Jennie, of course, I would still be by your side, no matter what would happen" Jisoo grins, "I'm always a call away and if you need me or anything I could always drop by your house"

"Yeah, I guess..." Jennie smiled weakly

"Good! Now that that's settled, let's go get your bags so I can drop you off, shall we?"

Jennie chuckled, "We shall..."


Jinyoung threw the pillow to the floor, "Hurry up and find her!"

"I'm sorry boss, we can't seem to trace her anywhere," One of the guys dressed in black said

"You had one job! one singular job and you all still manage to fuck it up!" Jinyoung exclaimed, "I thought you guys were good?!"

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