What now?

650 47 22

September 2021

Tomorrow came by quickly. Jisoo felt like she had the best sleep she had ever since she came back to the spotlight. Yesterday, was fun. It was certainly what she needed after everything that had happened.

6:02 am. The clock read.

She took a deep breath and grabbed her phone from the night stand.


She lightly grinned as she tapped her keyboard, writing a message to Taehyung.

sooyaaa_: hey.

sooyaaa_: are we still going today?

Not even a minute passed and he already replied.

thv: yes

thv: should i pick you up?

sooyaaa_: if it isnt too much
of a hassle for you then yes

thv: cool, ill pick you up in an hour. is that ok? 🤗

sooyaaa_: perfect. thank you!

She stretched as she got out of bed and went into the shower. She looked in the mirror and cringed.

"Goddamn, I need a spa day. I look awful." She groaned and rolled her eyes as she went to the shower.

15 minutes later.

She stepped out of the shower and ran to her walk in closet.

"Ugh, I have nothing to wear! Jeez, when did my clothes start to look so ugly and old..." She exclaimed as her brows furrowed.

She picked up a blue sweater with green stripes, "Too dull." She says, She tossed that one aside as she picked up another one.

It was a hot pink maxi dress and cringed again, "Too bright, why did I even buy this?" She exclaimed.

"Maybe just some jeans and a white tee? Ugh, no, boring. How about a skirt and a crop top or something? Too casual. Fine, how about a blazer? Too formal. Ugh, I hate myself."

Nearly twenty minutes have passed, Jisoo was sat on the floor frowning while being surrounded with different articles of clothing.

"You know what..." She stood up, "Literally fuck it. Why do I even care?"

She looks around the room and spots a black shirt with the word "DIOR" plastered on the front.

She rolled her eyes as she picked it up, She spots some flared low rise jeans.

"This would do. Who even gives a shit anymore, he's gonna be here any second and I havent even done my hair." She sighs.

Jisoo went to her vanity and turned on Spotify.

Now playing: Apple Cider by beabadoobee

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2022 ⏰

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