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August 2021

The two sat together in silence while the sound coming from the radio was the only thing that was heard

The silence was awkward.

Jisoo felt like sinking into her seat or maybe just get out of the moving car not caring if she gets bruised or bleeds

The only thought that was crossing her mind was how the hell did she get into that situation.

"It's time for some tunes, right folks? I'm sure all of you had heard this song from the singer Olivia Rodrigo!" The voice from the radio says

Jisoo sighed a sigh of relief, finally some music...

"We all know the infamous breakup of our beloved ex-couple last 2019, right?"


Gulping she wished on every star above (although it was day) that the “Infamous breakup” was not the breakup.

"Of course, everyone remembers that! We all know that the two moved on already so in favour of that, Let's play ‘happier’ by Olivia Rodrigo" The man chuckled

The tune of the song was heard and just like that she felt the urge of jumping off the car

She slyly looked at the boy beside her, gasping slightly as to see how he wasn't bothered by the current situation or was he?

In Taehyung's pov he had the unending desire to crash the car or just jump off...

Just anything to escape the situation really but he had to keep it cool, cool.

His grip on the steering wheel tightened, his hands almost turning white as he heard the radio

The tension was too thick, I mean why wouldn't it be?

Two exes in one car with the radioman playing a song in honour of their breakup that happened two years ago

What a coincidence...

He let out a nervous chuckle as the music started to get louder

Oh I hope you're happy
But not like how you were with me
I'm selfish I know
I can't let you go

Jisoo let out a cough as the singer sang the lyrics, is he that oblivious?

"Umm, should we change the song?" Taehyung asked

"Yes" She answered hurriedly making him chuckle as he switches the radio station

"Do you still listen to the radio?"

Jisoo almost slapped her mouth at her sudden question as she cursed at herself in her mind

"Umm, no? Sometimes I guess, should I play some music from my phone?" He asked

Jisoo nodded slowly, "Sure..."

Connecting his phone with the use of an aux cord, he silently curses as the sound of bubblegum bitch was heard in the car

The song was playing midway already meaning he already had been listening to the song

Jisoo let out a small laugh, "Bubblegum bitch by Jisoo Kim, you've been listening to my song?"

Taehyung's face turned into a slight reddish shade, "Well I'm sorry I can't help it, it's very catchy..." He confessed

"Is it? So we're you one of those people who streamed the song?"
She questions

He purses his lips as he lets out a small, "Maybe"

"Oh, well, Paris in the rain was a good song too you know..." She mumbled as she fiddled with her ring

"Did you stream it?" He jokingly mocked

Jisoo smirks as she looked at him, "Possibly..."

The two laughed in unison, completely forgetting about the awkward moment they had not even five minutes ago

"Are you gonna be releasing new music?" He questions as he finally calms down from his laughter

The smirk from Jisoo's face didn't fade, "Why are you a big fan?"

"Yes, yes I am..." He admitted with a proud grin on his face

Jisoo tried to stop a smile from forming on her face by pouting slightly, "Oh, ok..."

"Well? Are you gonna be releasing new music?" He questions again

"Erm, well, I've been writing songs, I guess, I'm just not sure if it's ready to be released" She confessed


The two arrived at Jisoo's home with a big smile on their face and sounds of laughter escaping the car as soon as they got out

"Well, this is my place..." She said as she rubs the back of her neck

Taehyung looked around the place, it was quite a closed area

"Cool so erm, I guess this is goodbye?" He asserted

Jisoo nodded, "Temporary goodbye, I guess? I'm sorry for the inconvenience though, I hope Mina won't get mad"

Right, Mina. He thought. He can't believe he forgot about his girlfriend, well, pretend girlfriend

"Oh no, she won't mind, I promise..."

They both stood together in silence with only the sounds of birds and leaves rustling

"Ok, well thank you again I'm just erm going to go now, I guess" She nervously chuckled as she points to the gate

"Yes, you should, it's getting late after all and you know, you're probably tired, I'm gonna go now..." Taehyung blabbered earning a giggle from the brunette

"Yes, thank you again..."

Taehyung smiled as he entered the car, "It's not a problem, take care Jisoo..."

The car headed off as Jisoo waved goodbye, the smile on her face was still unchanged

The same sick smile she knew that Jennie was going to kill her for.

She sighs as she ran a hand through her hair, as she was about to go inside she noticed a figure in the distance

A slight shiver went down her spine as she eyed the figure

It was a man, that's for sure, all dressed in black and reading a newspaper, it wasn't anything out of the blue but she felt like he was staring at her

She gave the man a slight nod as she went inside the house but still the weird feeling didn't get off

"Everything is fine, Jisoo. You're just overthinking things again..."
She whispered to herself as she locked the gates

Overthinking, yes, that's what it was...

She sure hoped that was all it was, just simple, plain, old overthinking like she always does...

A/N: bruh, I'm so sorry lmao, this chapter is way long overdue but I just wanted to update before I procrastinate even more, kind of a boring chapter but I'm going to make sure the next chapter is going to be more....

Exciting? Bye, y'all <3

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